Friday, 31 May 2019

Vampire the Masquerade V5 - Session Thirty - A Meeting of Barons (Part One)

I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players. These are the chronicles of their adventures.
Our campaign is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to search for ways to once again bring the Ivory Tower to dominance under the pretence of being disillusioned neonates looking for the freedom of the Anarch way of life. Now with a barony of their own it's time to consolidate their position and then plan their next move.
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE.
'Infiltrate LA' Chronicle
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part OneTwo, ThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part OneTwoThree, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part FiveSixSeven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part SixSeven and Eight
'Foothold LA' Chronicle
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Anaheim Assassination'

The PC's
Phil as Michael Tomassio - Toreador Baron of Pasadena
and Hope Romero - Gangrel Scourge
Tom as Johnny 'Roach' West - Malkavian Seneschal
and Marie - Clan Carna
Dave as Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah Sheriff
Matt as Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim 'Fixer'

The player characters stats and backgrounds can be found HERE should any-one be interested. There's also some minor 'house-rules' HERE that have occurred as we went along.

As I have written out introductions and dialogue for certain NPC's and some location descriptions I'll post these more or less as I wrote them so they'll be in a 'reading to the group' style and they'll also be in blue so you can tell them apart from the more traditional write-up sections and occasionally an obscure Malkavian premonition will turn up in purple. If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red. Anything covered via player handouts will also be in blue as they're written in the same style as introductions and the like. Where particular NPC's have a mention in a faction profile you will be able to reach it by clicking on their name beneath their picture.

Pre-Session Player Handouts
At the start of certain sessions I distribute local news reports and information relevant to certain individuals. Some relate to previous sessions, others are things going on that the players may or may not wish to investigate or involve themselves in. Others of course are complete bollocks red herrings...

Michael - You have received word via Roach that Therese has ensured that the Banu Haqim 'Chick' wont be informing on Daniel as she has 'matched the bounty' though what she meant by that is unclear. 'Chick' has also spread the word amongst her own network that reports of a Banu Haqim matching Daniel's description in LA are bollocks as the guy is actually a Brujah not one of their clan at all.
Daniel - Keith Chang has recovered well from his wounds with the aid of your Vitae within his body greatly speeding up his healing. It'll be a week or two till he's fighting fit but he's okay for light duties anytime you feel the need.
Vin - Your underground bunker below the main brothel is now complete. It has a concealed entrance, security doors, a secured escape route into the sewer network and room enough to contain you, your ghoul and your own security team if you so desired. Haven 1: Brothel Secure Room (Hidden Armoury 1, Postern 1, Security 1, Watchmen 1)

The war in Anaheim between Tom Weaver and Allison Maller has ended with Tom Weavers death. It seems that Tom had pooled his resources into one massive overwhelming attack upon Allison's fortified base and was ambushed and killed upon the way by a pre-emptive strike by Allison herself. The kindred rumour-mill is also rife that Amethyst lost several of her own people in the attack including one of her most valued advisers Cade Sheppard a Ventrue who was effectively her Seneschal.

Storytellers Note - I had several sub-plots and a nice background for Cade...oh well...

The mortal authorities are reporting it as gang related but due to the use of a number of vehicles belonging to several businesses in Santa Ana has created a multiple jurisdiction task-force to look into this and other gang battles over the last few months in part due to the increasing usage of military specification weaponry during these gang battles.

The other major talking point amongst the kindred is the rumour that the Blount sisters are actually mass murdering diablerists. The elders and clan leaders who regularly attend rants have known about this for some time and have deemed the explanation that the black veins that show up so strongly in their auras are simply the result of defending their community from an occasional interloper as entirely understandable given their isolation.

The Blounts have met with several of the barons to express their disappointment at being slandered in such a manner and that they may have to be less generous with their feeding rites in future and have also stated quite simply that if any kindred believes the rumours to be true to simply not ask for such feeding rites.

Given the troubles across LA and the reduction in feeding opportunities this has caused several of the younger kindred have expressed their desire to find the source of this rumour and make sure the kindred in question shows more respect in future. Thin-bloods, Caitiff and several Neonates who have benefited from the generosity of the Blount Sisters from a number of baronies have began independent enquiries into tracing the source of the rumour. A few have even gone as afar as offering rewards and boons for information.

Scene One - Rumours and Lies
Louis Fortier - Ventrue
Baron of West LA and Downtown
You have received a message from Baron Fortier inviting you to a meeting to discuss some concerns effecting the kindred of Los Angeles. You have been told that you may also bring up to three other members of staff if you deem them important. You have only been told that the meeting is to discuss 'security concerns'. You are of course free to refrain from attending if you so desire. The meeting is set for tomorrow evening at the Fortier's mansion for ten in the evening.

Michael considered his options carefully. Baron Fortier was fundamentally an honourable man who dealt with others as they dealt with him so who he bought with him could be interpreted as a message in of itself. His effective Seneschal 'Roach' had lately irritated several kindred of importance with some of his unusual habits but unfortunately his ability to scry the auras of others was too useful to be without. Hope was of course an invaluable scourge but could be somewhat of a liability in the area of diplomacy if things became tense and Vin was now infamous amongst the kindred of Los Angeles as a 'giant-killer'.

Jane Lane - Malkavian
Baron Voerman's Seneschal
Michael decided that despite his one recent indiscretion towards Voerman's representative and the commando 'Chick', that Daniel would be his best option for security. Daniel subtly reminded Michael that as far as all in LA were concerned he was a Brujah, not Banu Haqim and that it was a ruse he intended to maintain. Given the circumstances the Baron of Pasadena agreed that this was actually a fine idea.

With his entourage finalised, Michael dismissed those present and being in the rare position of having an evening free decided to spend a few hours of it with his increasingly erratic blood doll Susannah. This would both enable him to fulfil her increasingly clinging insistence on his regular presence and also enable him to detect if her belief she was being followed was fact or delusion.

He spent a fairly pleasant evening with her which seemed to calm her obsessiveness very slightly. Michael wasn't an expert in counter surveillance by any means but his senses were highly developed and his observation skills were very effective and in his opinion she wasn't being followed.

Daniel meanwhile was still concerned about just where the rumour of a Banu Haqim in Los Angeles had come from and figured his best bet for information on such things was the Gangel 'Fixer' Marius. The last few times he'd attempted to deal with him direct he'd been intercepted by his Ghoul assistant Victoria but on this occasion he got straight through.

Marius Walker - Autarkis Gangrel
"Bit busy at the moment Daniel, what do you need?". Daniel didn't feel comfortable discussing the matter over the phone so decided to push his luck and see if he could get a face to face meeting. "If you can get here in twenty minutes, I have thirty spare. Otherwise you'll have to wait a week or so..." Deciding to take the opportunity provided he headed straight to his car before rushing to Marius's Hallowbrook Apartment headquarters and haven.

Security were expecting him and he made his way through the extensive precautions protecting Marius's home surprisingly quickly. The private sections of the tower were busy and all of those resident seemed to be occupied with something. Yukio slid past several security people, pointed at the door to Marius's apartment and then entered ahead of him. Apparently this was as much of an invitation as he was going to get.

Marius was sitting on a couch in the living area of one of the four floors that his home encompassed. "You'll have to make it quick Daniel..." and with that he gestured at the seat opposite. Yukio meanwhile had disappeared up the open staircase to the second floor and Daniel couldn't help but notice that beneath her long coat she was wearing full body armour and had a small arsenal of weapons strapped to her person. Something significant was apparently being prepared for.

Therese and Jeanette Voerman
Not sure what was important and what wasn't Daniel told Marius everything that had occurred between him and Therese's Seneschal and her commando coterie member 'Chick'. He also mentioned that the price for the Baron of Santa Monica not pursuing the matter had been the use of his skills in an unspecified future assassination. "A blank cheque?" commented Marius "I doubt she'll waste that on something trivial, Therese doesn't squander resources on trivialities the way her sister sometimes does." Marius confirmed what Daniel had surmised that Chick quashing the rumour about a Banu Haqim being in LA was simply Therese protecting her interests. After all there was no use having a pet assassin for a day if they got themselves killed before they could be utilised.

Daniel then raised his other concern about the initial source of the rumour. "When my current priorities have been completed I can look into it for you if you wish?" offered the Gangrel. "The price would of course depend on the resources expended but given the useful services you've provided for me in the past I imagine a trivial boon or at worse a minor one would suffice." The Banu Haqim agreed to the terms as it became obvious that his time was up and giving his thinks he left. Though his curiosity had been piqued by just what the 'Fixer' was expending so much effort to accomplish.

Scene Two - Leanna
Leanna - Duskborn
'Shepherdess' of Blood Dolls
With the matter of Susannah beginning to linger in his mind, Michael began to consider solutions to the problem of having an obsessed and now seemingly mentally deranged blood doll connected to him. There was the real concern that knowing he wouldn't authorise such an action himself that one of the more practical members of his coterie might decide to remove the problem on his behalf. He had done some investigation into possible solutions but was hampered by his preference for one that wasn't unnecessarily cruel.

After some consideration he decided that he'd see if the 'shepherdess' of Marius's blood doll herd, Leanna had any ideas. He'd spoken to her briefly at the kindred meeting known as 'The Rant' and had been impressed with her professional manner. Given the masquerade stretching size of the Gangrel's herd he presumed that if any-one had been required to deal with a similar problem it would be her. The downside of course was that there would no doubt be a fee and also that it involved admitting a mistake to some-one working for a notorious information broker...amongst other things...

Deciding he had little choice he decided to bite the bullet and ring Victoria about utilising the services of one of Marius's retainers. Surprisingly he got neither Victoria or Marius instead being referred to Yukio. "Everyone's really busy Michael. What do you need?" Michael asked if it was possible to speak with Leanna and was relieved by the reply. "Leanna? She's the only one who isn't bloody busy. Is tonight too soon?" Given the urgency of the matter in his opinion he gratefully took the offered meeting that night.

Security was quite heavy as usual and the upper floors of the building seemed to be filled with activity though the floor he was guided to in order to meet Leanna was fairly quiet. The entire floor had been divided into a mere four apartments in a similar manner to the floor on which he'd met the Drake sisters who acted as Marius's occult advisers. It was apparent that being a ghoul or retainer of the 'Fixer' came with considerable perks. The as usual, impeccably dressed and beautiful Leanna met him at the door to her suite and ushered him inside.

The suite was expensively and tastefully decorated but Michael had to admit that in his opinion at least she'd overdone the 'boudoir' look a little. Leanna slid elegantly into a lavish sofa while Michael sat opposite and as he sat she reached for two bottles of wine that sat upon the table. "I selected both a traditional vintage and a 'special' bottle for our meeting. Do you have a preference?" As Michael had fed earlier that evening he gestured towards the bottle of Château Lafite. "Nostalgia sometimes leads me to desire a traditional wine rather than one infused with...other substances" he stated with a smile. Leanna poured two generous glasses of the blended Bordeaux red and indicated that Michael should state the reason for his visit.

"It's a difficult subject to broach I'm afraid. I used an ability that Toreador refer to as 'The Lingering Kiss' in order to swiftly tie a blood doll to myself..." Leanna briefly interrupted to indicate she was aware of the ability "...and now I'm beginning to fear that her sanity and self control is...slipping." Leanna asked a few pertinent questions relating to the frequency of his visits to her, how often these involved feeding and about the nature of her mental problems before allowing him to continue. "I wish her no harm, I simply want to release her from this addiction and I believed that you might be able to help."

Leanna paused briefly before replying. "If as you say, you only take blood and give her none then the addiction is fortunately purely mental. Memories can be altered or made indistinct and she can be isolated from you while this is undertaken so as to not reinforce the initial problems." From the matter of fact tone Michael gained the impression that this was a fairly routine process for her. "You've done this before then?" Leanna smiled at the question. "Oh yes. Mortals are easy to program or deprogram if one has the appropriate skills and experience. The real art is in altering the memories in such a way that others of their acquaintance don't notice the inconsistencies. It's why...elimination, is often considered before a more elegant approach." Michael strongly indicated that her permanent removal was something he would have made every effort to avoid.

Thin-Blood Alchemy
 "Do you wish to keep her once the damaged is mitigated or are you done with her now?" was the next question.

Michael informed her that he believed that keeping her any longer would be cruel and that he wished her to be free. Leanna asked a few more questions relating to her current employment, family and friends who might notice her initial absence and a number of other minor points that hadn't occurred to Michael at all. The conversation then moved onto the inevitable subject of payment.

"The majority of my needs are met by Marius. He is most generous in the area of resources as long as I continue to provide the services he requires..." Michael had been in enough negotiations with other kindred to know that either a 'but' or a 'however' was coming, he wasn't disappointed "...however. I have an unfortunate condition that means I require kindred Vitae on a weekly basis in order for my other abilities to continue to function. My benefactor of course provides this however it means he is less generous in providing Vitae for my other experiments. My usual fee is three measures of kindred blood but as I've decided I like you I'll settle for two in this case."

Victoria - Ghoul PA
Notorious Psychopath
Michael who had some experience with blood magic and the occult required reassurance that it would not be used in any way that would cause harm to himself. She assured him that this would not be the case and he was inclined to believe her as she seemed sincere.Once the required payment was extracted, Leanna arranged a time for Michael to send his blood doll to her under the guise of a job in Susannah's field of graphic design and stated that she would sort out everything from that point onward.

As he was about to leave he enquired about whether any further use of her expertise would require him to go through Victoria. Before replying she handed him a card. "I'm one of the few in Marius's employ in a strong enough position to bypass Victoria without consequence so by all means contact me personally if you wish." Michael realised of course that didn't necessarily mean that Victoria wouldn't take such an act out out on him, just that Leanna herself was safe from reprisal. "Does that mean..." enquired Michael "...that you're not afraid of her?". Leanna's tone became serious for the first time during the meeting. "Of course I'm afraid of her. Any-one with any sense should be...".

On that slightly ominous note, Michael left reasonably confident that his problems with Susannah would now be over with. All that remained now was for him to prepare for his meeting with Louis Fortier tomorrow evening.

Scene Three - A Meeting of Barons
Daniel adopted his cover identity of Baron Michael Tomassio's Brujah chauffeur and checked over the vehicle he had specified. In this case this was the armoured vehicle he'd had made at the same location that produced those Marius used. Michael had of course spent a lot more money on the interior of his than Marius bothered with.

As usual the Fortiers mansion is extensively guarded and patrolled as well as having it's usual physical security measures of high spike topped walls, reinforced gates and armoured gatehouse.

Daniel was keeping a close watch on the security precautions, looking for weaknesses or exploitable lapses in security protocols and was despite himself suitably impressed. There were pairs of guards with overlapping patrol routes, security camera's covering multiple zones with seemingly no gaps between the monitored regions and the barricades even had ram prevention measures. All the guards were in high specification body armour, had high calibre weaponry and also carried back-up pieces.

The Fortiers Mansion
Though this meant that they would be safe from exterior threats during the meeting it also meant that should they need to penetrate it's defences themselves in the future it would be a mammoth task to do so. As they were escorted within he noted that the guards within the complex were slightly less well armoured than those without but judging from their alertness he imagined that the guards were rotated to avoid complacency setting in. He gave Roach a questioning look and a voice in the back of his head simply said "They're all Ghouls, every one of them..."

You are escorted to a basement meeting room already containing a veritable who's who of the local barons. Louis Fortier is at the head of the table with Catherine Du Bois on one side and Mariel St John on the other, just behind them against the far wall is Fortier's scourge Marco Joseph. Therese Voerman is here with Jane Lane and two of her commando's while Jesus Ramirez is here representing El Hermandad flanked by a pair of guards and a somewhat weaselly looking fellow. On the opposite side of the table is Hank Boyd leader of the Crypt Sons accompanied by three others which have the look of 'Muscle'. Four seats are vacant opposite Therese, and there are another four at one end of the table. Your guide gestures towards the table but to no particular set of seating.

As brief introductions were exchanged Michael noted that these seemed to be all the barons whose baronies were adjacent to or effected by downtown. A few moments later this theory was confirmed as Nines Rodriguez, Skelter and Damsel were escorted into the room, Nines himself had a base in Downtown. Nines gave Michael a respectful nod as he sat down, recognising him from his inspired speech at the Rant where he had bravely (or perhaps foolishly) stepped between the two and prevented the conflict between Nines and Marius with his rhetoric. Skelter had taken several looks of recognition in Roach's direction but now seemed to have decided he was mistaken.

As all were seated Roach scanned the aura's of each in turn, avoiding only Therese whose presence he could feel via the link known as 'the Cobweb' which all Malkavian's were effected by to one extent or another. Accepting that he would be unable to hide much at all from her should she wish to take a stroll through his mind he turned his attention back to the others.

Jesus Ramirez - Ventrue
Salvador Garcia's Lieutenant
All the barons seemed confident and calm as indicated by the light blue filling their aura's though this on occasion became the dark blue of suspicion which would be expected of kindred who had survived long enough to reach their respective positions. Their guards shared this dark blue hue to their auras and were understandably alert. Several had aura's closer to purple which Roach had learned normally meant aggression though none had shifted to the red he associated with anger. He found himself taking an instant dislike to the weaselly looking kindred that accompanied Jesus Ramirez as his aura flitted between all the shades with negative connotations. The distinctive mental signature of Therese drowned out all other voices within the cobweb briefly before speaking directly to Roach. "You notice that Marius hasn't been invited of course?"

Michael watched Roach pan across all present but as he received no telepathic messages took this as a sign that the Malkavian had discovered nothing of note.

Baron Fortier raises his hand subtly for silence and the other barons seem to have enough respect for him to do as requested. "Let me get straight to the point. The chantry of Maximillian Strauss, former Camarilla Primogen has turned up in downtown and is now inhabited by representatives of three different Tremere Houses. Since much of Clan Tremere and I'm informed some of Carna is still loyal to the Camarilla I thought that we should discuss how to deal with this potential threat as all here..." He outstretches his arms dramatically "...are neighbouring baronies..."

Henrique 'Hank' Boyd - Brujah
Crypt's Sons Baron
"They've done jack-shit to us..." this from Hank Boyd of the Crypt Sons "...and I'm far too busy at the moment to get involved in another fucking war. As long as they stay out of our shit like they've been doing we should stay out of their business. There's only like, what, six of them anyway?". Michael found himself somewhat surprised that Hank had such an ambivalent attitude to them as he had a reputation for aggressive action though he did note that he'd paid enough attention to know their numbers. Nines however was less open to such a flexible attitude stating quite clearly that he thought it "Compromised the Anarch ideals to have a Camarilla faction in the middle of downtown". His viewpoint was that "Unless they overtly pledge themselves to the Anarch cause something needs doing about them. The Free States need to remain exactly that..."

Jesus Ramirez seemed to agree with Nines which wasn't a big surprise given how close to Salvador Garcia's ideas their own philosophies were. Ramirez wanted discussions with them and guarantees of their Anarch or at worse independent status as he "Doesn't want a Camarilla presence by proxy slap bang in the middle of the Free States". Michael chose this moment to interject and addressed Baron Fortier. "Forgive my ignorance but do we have any information that proves the former House Tremere residents still hold any allegiance to those who abandoned them?" Fortier explained that after they were evicted from their chantry they had set up a new haven within his domain without asking permission and had proceeded to drain kine of their blood in masquerade threatening quantities. His childe Catherine Du Bois had driven them out along with a small army of armed ghouls and after that they had made their way into the Santa Monica mountains.

Maximillian Strauss - Clan Tremere
Former Primogen and Regent
Michael pointed out that this had been many years ago and that these blood mages had made no attempt to contact the Camarilla, spread it's ideals or for that matter involve themselves in LA politics at all. Perhaps the very fact that they failed to follow Strauss indicated that they were already leaning away from his ideals? "As Nines so eloquently said..." continued Michael only slightly patronisingly "...the Free States are 'Free' and that freedom should be available to any-one regardless of their former allegiances or what exactly are we fighting for?"

Nines seemed to be swayed somewhat by the argument as was Damsel, though Skelter looked unmoved. Fortier spoke once more "I'm going to want guarantees of their loyalty due to their residence in my barony. Any acts against my interests would justify me taking action." Roach could see clearly that Hank had no desire to interfere, understandable considering he was already fighting half a dozen gangs from the barony of the angels. While he was musing, Therese spoke to him via the cobweb once more.

Therese Voerman - Malkavian
Baron of Santa Monica
"You realise that Technically speaking the chantry is within the domain granted to Marius by Fortier? Now of course Fortier considers Marius untrustworthy due to his recent tendency to absorb rather than eliminate problems and I doubt he wants a chantry of blood wizards added to his collection.

By drawing all of us to join in a decision he hopes to put the Gangel off any direct interference. There is of course the distinct possibility that Fortier's actions will lead to exactly the result he's trying to avoid...there are several things that the Gangrel still fears, but Fortier and his clan aren't one of them..."

Seeing that he might be able to get the matter resolved none violently after all he decided to risk bringing Hank back into the debate on his side by quoting him directly. "As Mr Boyd pointed out earlier they might not even be a threat at all..." Hank looked up at the mention of his name "...and I like him have no wish to become involved in a war that might not even be necessary."

Baron Voerman who as far as anyone other than Roach was aware didn't seem to have a great deal of input so far began to put forward some input of her own. "I have given permission for my coterie member to take up residence at the chantry and also keep her employment within my own organisation. I consider this a good enough way of keeping track on any threats to us that might occur within."

Clan Tremere Chantry
As no-one at the table had raised an objection to Therese having an operative within the chantry, Michael decided it was safe to reveal that he also had a similar opportunity for infiltration. "My own contact Marie has been offered a place within the chantry..." This got the attention of the majority of those assembled "...She has no Camarilla ties or loyalties and this would give us two friendly individuals within the chantry whose loyalties can be relied upon."

Seeing he had everyone's focus he continued, launching into an epic speech about Anarch ideals, the need to welcome rather discourage converts to the cause and the folly of wasting resources to remove a threat that might not exist. He also reminded all present that the Sabbat had recently appeared on their doorstep and the Second inquisition were on the look out for any unusual activities which a war with blood mages would provide aplenty.

As he finished he could tell that he had swayed enough of the table to make his next suggestion seem like a natural progression rather than a power grab. Before he could begin however he could hear romantic music begin to play within his mind and as he turned to Roach he noticed him nod in Damsel's direction. It seems his passionate speech had gotten him a fan. Not sure whether that would be a good or bad thing he carried on. "We just need some-one with the appropriate diplomatic skills to approach them and gauge just exactly what their intentions are." Louis's reaction made it clear that he had no desire for it to be one of his organisation.

Amanda 'Mandi' McBride - Tremere
House Goratrix
As Hank had expressed his complete lack of interest in involving himself, Nines was still edging towards a violent solution and Jesus remained unconvinced that just left himself and Therese Voerman. Of course if Therese decided to take up the mantle then there was little he could do to prevent it but he was hoping that she had no interest in becoming involved.

"I have far to many of my own affairs to manage to spare the time to pander to the insecurities of a few barons worried about half a dozen witches in a run down house." stated the Baron of Santa Monica. "Mandi, My own operative within the chantry will keep me informed and if I deem it necessary I'll pass any information onto those here. The Baron of Pasadena also has an operative within the chantry perhaps he will take on the responsibility as he has argued most vociferously for a peaceful solution?" Knowing that the chantry and it's inhabitants would be an invaluable weapon in his scheme to one night take the Free States for the Camarilla he agreed as reluctantly as he thought made his compliance seem reasonable. "I do however have one proviso. If I am to be held responsible for the success or failure of this task them my conclusion must be taken as final...whether I decide they are a threat...or not." Once his condition had been agreed to the meeting began to disband.

Nines once again congratulated him on his adherence to Anarch principles and even Jesus seemed to begrudgingly acknowledge the merits of his earlier speech. Damsel on the other hand was positively gushing and though Michael knew this might be of use in the short time he was concerned about how she would react if or when his true loyalties were revealed. He also noticed that Roach was viewing him intently as if concerned about just how good the speech had been, perhaps worried that Michael was beginning to 'go native'.

Of course his next problem was just how he approached the three Houses within the missing chantry and persuaded them to adhere to the rules specified by the meeting of the barons...

To be Continued in 'A Meeting of Barons' Part Two

In Conclusion
I like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit...

So that for once went more or less as I was expecting and leads nicely into the coterie attempting to make allies of the various Clan Tremere Houses within the chantry. They also need to deal with the fact that they attended a meeting that their Mawla Marius was specifically excluded from.

As only the negotiators were available for this session it was fortunate that pretty much that was all they had to do this time, lol. Let's see if the same tactics that worked on a room full of barons works on a room full of blood sorcerers...

I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order Michael Tomassio is represented by the actor Matt Bomer, Johnny 'Roach' West is quite obviously Kurt Cobain, 'Vin' is the actor Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Hope is Deborah Ann Woll, Marie is Eva Greene, Paula Patton is 'Amethyst', Marius Walker is Tony Curran, Leanna is Leeanna Vamp, Victoria is Lilith May, Skelter is Vin Diesel, Jesus Ramirez is Javier Bardem, Hank Boyd is Michael Clarke Duncan, Therese Voerman is Whitney Moore and Mandi is a suicide girl  called Jeckyl Suicide though no doubt goes by other names too. Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

V5 Chronicle - Faction Profile - The Hollywood Warrens

During the course of the various stories of this chronicle the coterie has and will meet many characters so I'm therefore creating several profile pages for different groups within my version of kindred Los Angeles to help them keep track. I'll also amend these profiles as new information comes to light and old 'facts' turn out to be less factual than originally thought...
The stories involving the coteries first meeting with this faction can be found at the following links...
'Becoming Baron' - Part Seven and Eight
Some of this information is taken from the bloodlines game and other parts have been adapted or added by myself for my own chronicle set in Los Angeles. Should you be looking for canon information relating to the video game then I suggest looking HERE because I take a lot of liberties with source material...
The Hollywood Warrens
The Sewers below Los Angeles are far more extensive than is necessary for a city even of it's size and scope, as Kindred involvement in L.A. since it's first creation has influenced the layout of the city both above and below. In theory it's possible to travel from one side of Los Angeles to the other without ever needing to see the surface.

Unnecessary sections have been planned, built and then the plans conveniently lost, areas have been scheduled for projects and extensions then abandoned before completion and a whole host of other methods have been used to create a city beneath the city. 

Though the Barony of Hollywood is the domain of Baron Isaac Abrams, the area beneath it has been claimed by Gary Golden, his three Childer and a number of other Nosferatu that treat him as leader and defacto Baron.

Below the extensive sewer network is another set of labyrinthine tunnels known to the kindred who use them for travel and Havens as 'The Warrens'. These are mainly inhabited by the Nosferatu though it's known that at least one area below Downtown contains a small pack of Bone Gnawer Werewolves.

If a particularly brave kindred was to delve even deeper he may find a way into the area known as 'The Labyrinth', but few who have entered this realm have ever returned.

Gary Golden, Former Primogen
10th Generation Nosferatu
The Hollywood Warrens (Chasse 5, Lien 2, Portillon 5)
The Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Postern 2, Security System 5)
Contacts 1-5 (Too many to list...), Fame 1 (As 'Gorgeous' Gary Golden), Influence 3, Status 4 (Nosferatu), Status 3 (Los Angeles)
Repulsive 2
The Labyrinth (1: Tunnel Access)

When he was a mortal he was a famous movie star, especially during the 30's and 40's. It was around 1960 when he was Embraced and disappeared from the world of mortals, who officially pronounced him dead in 1965. It is likely that his transformation is the reason for his cynicism and bitterness. As he himself states about his face, "I like looking at it in the mirror. Builds character."

Gary become involved in the machinations of Prince Sebastian LaCroix when he sent an agent to him in order to learn the location of the Ankaran Sarcophagus an item that had created much interest amongst the kindred of Los Angeles who believed it to contain the torpid body of an ancient kindred. Gary's price for his information was the rescue of his own agent Barabus who had been captured by hunters of kindred and was being held in Chinatown.

Despite having the rank of Camarilla Primogen while the Camarilla were in power in LA, Gary sold his information freely to the Camarilla's enemies, had no bones about flaunting this fact in LaCroix's face, and had no respect for LaCroix, his fellow Primogen, or any members of the Camarilla whatsoever.

He also has a lot of hatred for the Toreador, who according to him deny their vampiric nature and are nothing more than a waste of blood. He was highly unpopular with the eastern kindred in Chinatown for unknown reasons but with their departure now has few significant enemies. He also has an unusual hobby which involves locating erotic or otherwise revealing photos of various female kindred which he occasionally trades in exchange for minor boons.

Gary is a master of the discipline known as Obfuscate often speaking to visitors while Obfuscated and disappearing and reappearing in an out of their view in order to confuse, distract or simply because he finds it amusing. His childer are Imalia (a classic Cleopatra), Mitnick (a computer expert) and Caleb who acts as guide and messenger. As well as his operative Barabus who is trusted with his most sensitive tasks there are also about two dozen other Nosferatu within the area and it's surroundings who treat him as their leader.

Imalia, Childe of Gary Golden
11th Generation Nosferatu
The Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Postern 1, Security System 5)
Fame 5 (As 'Imalia')
Repulsive 2

A 'Cleopatra' is a  term for a certain type of Nosferatu, almost always female, Cleopatra's used to be beautiful but generally had terrible personalities, so many Nosferatu believe they deserve the Nosferatu curse.

Imalia was once a supermodel of notorious beauty, featured in various types of media such as billboards, magazines and television. While she was alive, she was immensely popular, however, she was vain and arrogant, and unfortunately for her this brought her to the attention of the vanity despising Nosferatu clan. Imalia remembers the night she was Embraced by Gary well.

She had just won Guy magazine's Most Ridiculously Hot Chick In The Known Universe Award in 2003, and returned to her home only to find Gary Golden sitting on her couch with a martini in his hand.

Before her Embrace, Imalia was a selfish and vain diva; all this changed when she became a Nosferatu. After being Embraced, Imalia soon faked her own death, making it look like her car had been wrecked on a cliff side. Within the car the authorities found a body which was burned beyond recognition and she was declared dead. The source of this body is something she has never revealed. As a Nosferatu, Imalia is miserable, immoral, cold and spiteful. She still hasn't gotten over her lost beauty or the fact that her place in the spotlight had been usurped.

Imalia made her home in the communal haven inhabited by the Nosferatu. Her room was a small one with a computer, a neon sign from 'The Sin Bin', a print of John Collier's Lilith and a mattress for her to sleep on. The most striking feature in the room is her poster of the now deceased supermodel Tawni Sessions, which she has vandalised with criticisms. Imalia hated Tawni because she saw her as an upstart who was nowhere near as good as she was. Imalia seethed at every success Tawni had and constantly criticises her physical features. It is widely believed that she was directly responsible for the scandal which resulted in Tawni Sessions suicide.

Mitnick, Childe of Gary Golden
11th Generation Nosferatu
The Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Postern 1, Security System 5)
Fame 4 (Hackers Only), Influence 2 (Online Blackmail), Resources 2 (Hacked accounts, Blackmail)
Infamy 3 (Hacker), Repulsive 2
Ambrus Maropis (2: Clandestine Information, 3: Taught by the Best, 4: Back Door Panopticon)

Mitnick is a Nosferatu hacker in the Warrens under the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. He is in charge of computer systems, Network security, and updating databases, then sharing them on the ill fated SchreckNet. He is now attempting to create a new system to replace the compromised aforementioned Schrecknet.

Before his Embrace, Mitnick was a lone hacker, spending most of his days cracking past systems and stealing coding patterns to better his own. Mitnick once broke into a Government database and stole all of the US' missile launch codes. He then sent them to the president, according to Mitnick this had the FBI 'shitting themselves'.

One day he came across a network which interested him, but as he tried to hack into it he realised it was more than it first appeared. Instead of giving up, he took it as a challenge. Spending days and nights trying to get past the site's security neither eating nor sleeping. After three days he finally cracked into the system, unknowingly to him a Nosferatu system, only to be horrified by what he saw. He quickly unplugged from the site and tried to forget what he had witnessed only for the Nosferatu Primogen, Gary Golden, to show up on his doorstep two hours later.

It is considered that Mitnick was turned willingly, as he has stated, "Are you kidding? I love this shit!" when asked how he felt about his looks and current living conditions in the warrens. He has commented on several occasions that since he was Embraced, he has everything he needs and that "Eternal life is a pretty sweet bonus too."

Caleb, Childe of Gary Golden
11th Generation Nosferatu
The Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Library 4: Maps, Postern 1, Security System 5)
Repulsive 2
The Labyrinth (1: Tunnel Access)

Caleb was an administrative sewer worker tasked with ensuring that plans of the network were kept up to date in order to ensure that workers beneath the city had access to accurate information after a number of worker disappearances. This task was far more difficult than he could ever imagine due to the machinations of various kindred interfering with any attempt to correctly map the warrens that many used as haven.

He later made the unfortunate decision to attempt to tie together various versions of the maps and documents available to him after discovering a plan of an entire fall-out shelter not documented elsewhere. It was there that he encountered Gary.

Deciding on a whim to embrace the unfortunate administrator he was surprised when he found his encyclopedic knowledge of the sewer network included several areas unknown even to himself. After providing Caleb with the vast amounts of paperwork removed from various planning offices over the decades he combined this information with his own knowledge and effectively swapped a career as an administrator for one of a guide.

If a message of importance needs to be delivered personally then Caleb can make his way from any point in the warrens to any other faster than any other inhabitant of the underground. In between these activities he is tasked with intercepting any visitors below Hollywood and guiding them to Gary by the most convoluted route possible or in less hospitable circumstances he leads them instead to Barabus.

Barabus, Spy and Enforcer
10th Generation Nosferatu
The Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Hidden Armoury 1, Postern 1, Security System 5)
Repulsive 2

Barabus is one of Gary's spies and is the operative who he uses for his most dangerous assignments. Though like many Nosferatu his embrace is a sore subject that he refuses to discuss it can be theorised that he has known Gary for quite some time as he shows him considerable loyalty. This loyalty works both ways as when Barabus was captured by mortal kindred hunters, Gary used what would have become a considerable boon to facilitate his release rather than for his own personal advantage.

Barabus is a powerful vampire who prefers hand-to-hand combat, and relies on Potence to enhance his already great physical strength. He has also shown a talent for other physical disciplines which account for his resilience and speed of reaction. These abilities made his capture all the more embarrassing and it is a subject that if raised is guaranteed to provoke his ire.

The Ancient Warrens
For over a decade vast section of the Warrens had been denied them by the periodic rampages of a vast and powerful creature of the Tzimisce left over from the Sabbat invasion of two thousand and four. This creature and it's master were eventually destroyed at the hands of the coterie of Michael Tomassio in exchange for Gary's support in his scheme to become the Baron of Pasadena.

The ancient area of the Warrens that the Tzimisce had taken for his haven had once been the home of some of the earliest Nosferatu inhabitants of the city and contained laboratories and archives of knowledge of extremely high value. The coterie's ally, an elder Nosferatu called Alonzo has now taken this area to use as his own haven and is gradually unearthing it's secrets. Fortunately for all concerned this elder kindred is quite apolitical so it's newly acquired resources are yet to upset the delicately balanced politics of the Free States.

Alonzo Guillen, Autarkis Elder
9th Generation Nosferatu
The Ancient Warrens (Haven 3: Creepy, Hidden Armoury 2, Cell 5, Laboratory 5, Library 5, Postern 1, Security System 5, Surgery, Watchmen 5: Rats)
Resources 1 (Salvaged Items)
Iron GulletPolyglot
Repulsive 2
Kindred Iconography (1: Iconographer), Low Clan (1: Thick Hide), Sect War Veteran (4: No Vampire's Land), The Circulatory System (3: Farm Upstate)The Labyrinth (1: Tunnel Access)
Paranoia (Mild)

Alonzo was the black-sheep brother of a noble lady whose work in the missions rewarded her husband, Juan Marine, with a huge land grant of fourteen thousand acres in the late seventeen hundreds. Alonzo was born horribly disfigured and had become a Nosferatu while living in his native Spain. The only person who had shown him any kindness during his wretched childhood was the kind-hearted Eulalia, whom he so loved that he sought her from beyond the grave. Making the treacherous journey to California, he was shocked to find that his beloved sister had become totally enmeshed in her service to the Catholic Church.

Alonzo attempted to make his presence known to her, but she was repelled by what he had become. Desperate to regain her love, he killed her, planning to bring her into the unlife. Alas, she refused the blood even as she died. Driven mad by what he had done, Alonzo went on a rampage, killing his brother-in-law and everyone on the rancho. Sobbing, he sought refuge at the far edges of the estate, and a distant cousin claimed the land several years later. A succession of owners followed, each carving up the huge estate into what eventually became Pasadena, South Pasadena and Altadena.

Alonzo has continued to live in the hills above Pasadena. His guilt over the murder of his sister and brother-in-law, along with his long-standing sensitivity about his disfigurement, have combined to keep him away from his fellow Kindred. His natural inquisitiveness, however, has caused him to seek out all the information he can, and there is very little that goes on in this Los Angeles that escapes his watchful eye. Recently, Alonzo had made contact with Henry Waters, who strangely enough, was not repelled by the hideous vampire. Grateful for the acceptance he thought was impossible, Alonzo tried to help Henry overcome his Blood Bond to Edward Vignes teaching him a number of disciplines and other skills. Alas this friendship was also to end in disaster as Henry was killed by an ancient kindred who was inhabiting the body of Vera Vignes his lover and he became one of many of her victims as she escaped from Los Angeles.

Alonzo is aware of (and somewhat amused by) the depredations of the Blount sisters but has made no attempt to interfere seeing them as part of the natural order of Los Angeles. He does however strongly suspect the long-standing presence of an elder vampire in the area guiding the fates of those within. Alonzo is aware of pretty much everything that is going on in the Free States, although his knowledge gets correspondingly less detailed the farther a place is from the Los Angeles area. Alonzo is that rare Nosferatu who has managed to overcome his natural diffidence and distrust of other Kindred and make contact with a fellow vampire.

He has recently become something of a guide and adviser to the Banu Haqim Daniel who he has come to enjoy the occasional visits and company of. His complete lack of judgement about the Nosferatu's appearance and the respect he has shown this elder creature after a somewhat shaky first meeting has begun to endear him to Alonzo. He is however currently reluctant to become too involved due to his poor track record in the area of friendships in the past. He is however quite enjoying the role of mentor and asks little in return for the information he gives other than the occasional delivery of materials he is unable to acquire or salvage himself.

Alonzo has restored the laboratories of the Nosferatu 'Boil' who was destroyed during the Anarch revolt. He has begun to use the equipment, breeding pools and storage areas to breed a selection of superior vermin to provide him with messengers, spies and guards and now has a substantial quantity of these at his disposal.

The Tzimisce who had taken the haven for his own had awakened a torpid tentacled monstrosity created by Boil and was using it to guard one approach corridor. Alonzo has moved the creature to the much larger pit within his own haven that previously was the home of the Tzimisce's own war ghoul. Fed on Alonzo's own vitae and a steady diet of failed breeding projects the creature has grown to fill it's new environment and ensures that any visitors behave themselves.

He is also working his way through the vast archive of another former occupant of the ancient Warrens known as Dexter who had kept diaries of events in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas for centuries. As these are written in dozens of languages they are taking some time to decipher but Alonzo is still gleaning much that is useful from between the vast quantities of obsolete gossip.

On his last visit to the elder's domain, Daniel noted that several security systems had been installed and ancient mechanical traps and protection had been restored. Several areas have also been walled off and others broken through into adjacent chambers. What Alonzo has planned is however currently unknown to any but himself. He may simply be making himself at home.
Should you be interested in the chronicles and stories associated with these pages then links to them all can be found HERE.
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