A new Silver Skulls novel from Matt Smith...
The Twisted Runes Matt Smith |
The Silver Skulls return to action in a new short story that sees the Chapter in peril as the runes show catastrophe – can Prognosticator Rhondus save his brothers from certain death? It's a new take on the silver-armoured, prophecy-following Space Marines, with some twists and turns that will leave your head spinning.
Combating an insurrection, the Silver Skulls may be being manipulated by the very powers they fight against...
They may be Ultramarines successors, but they're certainly not Codex-compliant... and the Inquisition wants to know why. How the Silver Skulls work and why it might just be their downfall is explored, with a series of shocking twists.
The Gildar Rift Sarah Cawkwell |
In the depths of space, the Silver Skulls take on the might of Huron Blackheart and his Red Corsairs.
The Silver Skulls are a unique Chapter, only taking to the battlefield when their prognosticars decree it right – but what happens when Chaos clouds their visions and Huron Blackheart himself steps into the fray?
Andy Clark talks Blacktalon |
The first Neave Blacktalon novel by Andy Clark is coming soon – and on Facebook right now, we've got an exclusive quote from Andy about when you can expect when the Knight-Zephyros makes her debut.
3rd-4th November 2018 Belfry Hotel, Nottingham |
Blacktalon: First Strike' is just one of a host of new and pre-release books you'll be able to get your hands on first at the Black Library Weekender. See the other titles available and grab your tickets now!
You voted, and the results are in – discover which two classic Black Library novels will be getting new paperback editions.
Coming Soon: December's Titles |
Get the lowdown on the Black Library books and audios you'll be enjoying in the run-up to Christmas – in plenty of time to put them in your letter to Santa!
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