Saturday, 18 October 2014

Mantic Games Newsletter - Contagion

There's no immunisation for this particular contagion...

...and I like zombies, lol.

Commander, Threat Detected
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Deadzone: Infestation - coming soon.

Rogues Gallery

Deadzone the Sci-fi Skirmish Game is all about Strike Teams. Pick a faction, build a force, achieve your objectives – all in the depths of an Urban Battlezones!

Alongside the Deadzone: Contagion supplement, this month we’ve got six new named characters to add to your force.
Sergeant Howlett leads these Enforcers into battle.

You can meet them all here on the website, and get them in a special pack of all six in the Rogues Gallerybox-set. Note – you’ll need the Second Wave Card Deckto use these miniatures.

It's characters like this that add more personality to your force, as well as give you access to new special rules. They also double up as great alternate leaders as well!

Examples include heroes like Eddak P’mera add both a stealthy and silent new unit type to the Rebs force, and Bjarn Starnafall who wears Hammerfist Drop Armour, meaning that he can start the game off the table, crash-landing onto the battlefield from space!

These six named character are now available to pre-order and begin shipping in October alongside Deadzone: Contagion. Find out more on the website!
Deadzone FAQ
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The Deadzone FAQ is now on the Mantic Games website.

If you have any rules questions you can download the latest version here and, if it doesn’t answer your question, there’s a great community on our forum, the Facebook Containment Protocols group and Jake’s Quirkworthy blog.
Deadzone at the
Open Day
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As well as teaching people how to play Deadzone, our focus for the sci-fi skirmish game at the Open Day will be our Escape! participation game. Take on the role of a survivor and try and out-run the Plague Zombie horde.

Can you get to the spaceport before the mass of living dead feast on your braiiinnnnnn?? There’s only one way to find out – get your Open Day Ticket here!
Mantic at Essen Spiel
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We are at the Spiel show in Essenuntil the 19th October!

Not only will we have some amazing show deals on our Battlezones terrain but it will also be one of the first chances to play and get hold of Mars Attacks the miniatures game in German.

It’s not often we get to stop off in Germany, so please if you’re in the area please do swing by the stand!
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Come and see us - our show calendar has now been updated!

16th October: Spiel, Essen
26th October: Boston Wargames Club Open Day, Boston
26th October: Fiasco, Leeds
Our mailing address is:
Mantic Games, Greasley Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NG England.
Copyright (C) 2012 Mantic Entertainment Ltd All rights reserved.

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