Monday 18 March 2013

Malifaux for Beginners - Ability List

Editors Note - This tutorial is for version 1.5 of the Malifaux rules and has been left available for reference only. Some Malifaux 2nd Edition Tutorials can be found well as quite a few of these old ones, lol.

Many of the generic special rules for Malifaux characters don't have the descriptions on the cards so I thought it might be convenient for someone to put them all in one place for you all. The following list contains all* the generic Abilities, Actions and common Triggers.

* Admittedly I may have missed some...

Arachnid - Ignore severe and climbable terrain penalties. Treat vertical surfaces as climbable.
Armor +# - Reduce Damage (Dg) suffered by this model by (#) down to a minimum of 1. Armor benefits stack with other Armor benefits.

Black Blood - Range 1 Pulse - All none Neverborn models suffer 1 Wound (Wd) when this model suffers a Wd from a Melee Strike (or Melee spell for that matter).
Brutal (Weapon Name) - The named weapon inflicts +1 Damage (Dg) for each Tome in the models duel total.
Bulletproof # - This model gains Armor +#  against ranged attacks.

Casting Expert - Gain one specific AP that can only be used for Cast actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from Casting Master.
Casting Master - Gain two specific AP that can only be used for Cast actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from  Casting Expert.
Comes Cheap - The models Soulstone cost doesn't go up when hired by another faction.
Companion - This has it's own tutorial that can be found here.
Critical Strike (Weapon Name) - The named weapon inflicts +1 damage (Dg) for each Ram in this models Duel total. If a weapon isn't named then it applies to all the models melee attacks.

Easy to Wound # - Damage flips against this model receive one positive flip (+) per #
Evasive #  This model gains Armor +#  against Blasts.

Fast - The model receives an additional General AP.
Flay - When damaging a defender with a melee Strike the defender suffers +2 Damage (Dg)
Float - The model can move over terrain and other models without penalty and can end it's movement on impassable overlapping another models base when you land though!!! If your engaged in melee with a model when you begin your movement then your still vulnerable to disengaging Strikes, otherwise your immune to them.
Flight - The model can move over terrain and other models without penalty but cannot end it's movement on impassable overlapping another models base when you land though!!! If your engaged in melee with a model when you begin your movement then your still vulnerable to disengaging Strikes, otherwise your immune to them..
Flurry - First discard a Control Card. The model then immediately makes up to three melee Strikes against a single target.
Furious Casting - Similar to Flurry but for spells. Discard a Control Card...The model then receives 3AP that must immediately used for Cast actions.

Gunfighter (Weapon) - Melee Range 2" - This model can make melee Strikes against enemy models up to 2" away using the indicated weapon only. The weapon changes from Ranged to Melee when making these Strikes and can therefore be used for disengaging Strikes and used with any additional melee talents the model might possess.

Hard to Kill - While this model has 2 or more Wounds (Wd) remaining it can only be reduced to 1 Wound (Wd) by a single Damage source.
Hard to Wound # - Damage flips against this model receive one negative flip (-) per #
Harmless - Enemy models must win a Willpower duel with a target number of 12 when targeting this model with an attack or the Action fails. Harmless ends if you do an acti on other than Pass or Walk. Any model with the Terrifying or Ruthless rules ignores Harmless.
Heal - Available to models with Use Soulstone only. Discard a soulstone and make a healing flip. This is a 1 AP action.
Hunter - This model ignores cover penalties when targeting models. Also increases Line of Sight (LoS) into and within obscuring terrain to 6".

Immune to Influence - This model is immune to Wp duels when it's the defender.
Instinctual (+1) - The model may perform an additional (0) action per.It will however need to be a different one.

Jump - The model can move half it's Walk horizontally and can move over gaps or can move half it's Walk distance from a higher elevation to a lower one (or vice versa) without suffering damage.

Lifer - This model is immune to Morale Duels caused by Terrifying effects.
Link - This model and a target model in base contact become Linked. After the model your Linked to completes a Walk action or ends it's activation, Push this model into base combat with the model it's linked to. If for some reason the two models are not in base contact at the Start Closing Phase then Link ends.

Magic Resistant # - This model gains Armor +#  against spells and spell effects.
Melee Expert - Gain one specific AP that can only be used for melee Strike actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from Melee Master.
Melee Master - Gain two specific AP that can only be used for melee Strike actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from  Melee Expert.

Nimble (+1) - Gain one specific AP that can only be used for Walk actions.

Pass Through - The model may move through intervening models but cannot end it's movement overlapping another models base. It doesn't ignore disengaging Strikes when moving out of an intervening models melee range though.
Poison # - When a model is hit by an attack (or ability) with Poison # the number of poison tokens the model has is increased to # after resolving the attack (or whatever the ability says if it's different). Each time the affected model is activated it suffers one Wd per token it has and then discards one Poison token.


Ranged Expert - Gain one specific AP that can only be used for ranged Strike actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from Ranged Master.
Ranged Master - Gain two specific AP that can only be used for ranged Strike actions. This can't be stacked with the additional AP from  Ranged Expert.
Rapid Fire (Weapon Name) - First discard a Control Card. The model then immediately makes up to three ranged Strikes with the named weapon against a single target.
Reckless - The model may take a Wound (Wd) and receive Fast +1
Regeneration # - Heal this model the indicated number (#) of Wounds (Wd) at the start of it's activation.
Rot - When defender is damaged by a melee Strike, the Damage Flip receives a positive (+)
Ruthless - This model ignores the abilities Harmless and Pitiful when targeting enemy models.

Scavenge - Only available to models with the Scavenger characteristic. Use all your actions and gain a Scrap Counter.
Scout - This model ignores severe movement penalties.
SlowThe model lose a General AP.
Slow to Die - After this model is killed it may immediately take (and resolve) a 1 AP action. The actions results are applied before the model is removed. If your model is fortunate enough to have a healing action available to it then it can use it's Slow to Die action to heal itself, and yes...that can be bloody annoying when it heals a Wd or more and is no longer dead...
Stubborn - +2 to Wp in duels when the model is defending.
Subconcious Actions - The model may take 3 (0) Actions per activation rather than one.
Surge - After successfully casting a spell, discard a Control Card and draw a Control Card.

Terrifying # - Living models without Terrifying must win a Morale duel against the target number (#) when moving through or ending an action in the models melee range or declaring a Charge against the model. Models failing this test fall back.

Use Soulstones - The model rather obviously can use Soulstones. Masters and Henchmen get this automatically whether it's on their card or not.

Yes I've probably missed some...if you think of any before I do stick them in the comments section.

Thanks to Citizen_W of Murder of Ravens for his troubleshooting assistance.

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