Tuesday 21 December 2010

House of Paincakes Article No.2

My Latest article for the House of Paincakes blog network is up on their site and can be found here.

And as a random post that's basically a plug for myself may come across as a bit self centred here's a picture of Olivia Wilde from the new Tron movie.

Sorry. That's from my other picture folder...

Here's the one ;-)

Your welcome ;-)


  1. the tron picture of her is imo a lot hotter

  2. Its the black 'bobbed' hair isn't it?

  3. HoP2 was a good read.
    This is a great post too...for different reasons...pic 1 I actually prefer...the rubber element is still there in the stockings no? plus, they look a bit torn from use... dirt.

  4. I have got to see this movie. I loved the first one, despite it's flaws. Man, black backgrounds and neon lights is where it's at!


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