The latest Warmachine and Hordes releases from Privateer Press...
Lord Ghyrrshyld, The Forgiven
in Stores Now! |
 | The warcaster once known as Goreshade was an eldritch, one of a strain of abominations who fed on the spiritual essence of others and consorted with the Nightmare Empire of Cryx. Now, Lord Ghyrrshyld has been restored by the goddess Scyrah and is filled with renewed purpose. While Ghyrrshyld does not speak of what happened to restore his body, he now fights against those who imperil Scyrah, and many speak of him as being filled with the goddess’ light.
PIP 35087 MSRP $21.99 |  |
Hemera in Stores Now! |
 | Designed for Issyria’s exclusive use and fitted with experimental technology that includes a cutting-edge arc node, Hemera magnifies the warcaster’s arcane abilities. The myrmidon wades into the thick of combat to take Issyria’s place, allowing her to guide the flow of combat more effectively without putting herself in harm’s way.
PIP 35081 MSRP $54.99 |  |
Ryssovass Defenders in Stores Now! |
 | The Nyss ryssovass were once proud defenders of the winding mountain passes of the Shard Spires. Having lost their sense of purpose after so many of their order were corrupted by Everblight, the remaining ryssovass relocated to Ios alongside their fellow refugees, where their frozen god is protected. They do not hesitate to join the Retribution of Scyrah in battle, seeing this as part of their sacred responsibility.
PIP 35079 MSRP $54.99 |  |
House Shyeel Arcanists in Stores Now! |
 | House Shyeel is best known for its feats of ingenuity in the engineering and production of myrmidons. Unlike other arcane mechanics in the service of the Retribution, Shyeel arcanists are equipped to wade into battle to return impaired myrmidons to the fight. These arcanists train to master both the arcane arts and the practical skills necessary to repair the damaged mechanisms of a myrmidon under fire, manipulating kinetic force for both offense and defense.
PIP 35083 MSRP $24.99 |  |
Fane Knight Guardian in Stores Now! |
 | Fane Knight Guardians swear oaths to protect Scyrah, her fane, and her priesthood. These knights served the ailing goddess well before the Retribution came to prominence and have joined the cause to see the goddess and the Iosan people restored. These guardians regard several of the most pious warcasters of the Retribution as champions of Scyrah, defending them as if they were extensions of the goddess. While formidable protectors, it is their devotion that lends to their tenacity and gives them strength to fight against overwhelming enemy force.
PIP 35084 MSRP $14.99 |  |
Wicked Ways in Stores Now! |
No Rest for the Wicked…or for Those who Investigate Them
Sinister forces lurk in the corners of the Iron Kingdoms—restless souls, mischievous and cunning creatures, darker beings that bargain for mortal souls. Most pass unmarked, shunned, or avoided, but there is one group willing to seek out and study what others fear.
In abandoned halls and forgotten ruins, the investigators from the Strangelight Workshop illuminate the darkness, armed with wisdom, curiosity, and specialized tools. The Workshop employs an odd blend of scientists, mercenaries, and occult explorers who seek to understand the unfathomable, to peel back the veil between life and death to commune with spirits haunting places beset by tragedy and madness. But now one team is about to step off the precipice when they learn of a malevolent plot to unravel all they have done and to harvest the souls of all humanity.
Something cruel awaits them. Something vile. Something wicked.
PIP 615 MSRP $15.99 |  |
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