Location of the most recent breach into Malifaux, Latest area to be occupied by the forces of Cryx, Stronghold of the Dark Legion, Homeworld of the 'Night Reapers' Space Marine Chapter, Council of Seven allocated Deadzone and the lair of some opinionated git called GMort who they let hang out with them...when he's not distracted by Steampunk, Gothic culture or Cosplay...
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thirty More Marines...
So for the person who e-mailed me saying that the reason I didn't post pictures of the extra thirty Marines I said I was painting was because I hadn't actually done them...
There you go.
I also started on my 'Counts-As' Kharn. My idea was to make him look like he didn't really care for his armour...unfortunately it just looks like I've painted him badly...I'll have a look with fresh eyes tomorrow and see what I wish to do about it...
I finally got around to replacing the spear arm that fell off my 'Counts-As' Vulkan using Huron. I couldn't find where I put the first one I built so I made another one...the other issue with using the Huron model is that I lost that stupid little thumb bit that comes separately from the hand for some annoying reason and I was therefore forced to make him one out of Green Stuff...
Having made some progress with the 'commanders' I'll continue with some more Marines tomorrow...since most of these these have Bolt Pistols and Chainswords they'll at least be marginally different from the others I've done.
Progress report complete ;-)
Painting Projects,
Space Marines
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
From Power Gamer to Hobbyist...
I don't like 6th Edition....but I'm buying the Rulebook anyway...
Allow me to explain,
I don't think it's balanced at all for a start. The inclusion of allies makes balance almost impossible and there will inevitably be rule and army interactions that will create what the internet likes to call 'broken' combinations. This is inevitable as Games Workshop don't play test with any level of thoroughness and in many case their external testers are of the 'GW can do no wrong' variety or have particularly poor ideas about how the game should work and for some reason Games Workshop listen to them rather than just shooting them on the spot...
The following may seem like a silly criticism in a game with dice but there are now to many 'random' elements. Game altering psychic powers that you may or may not end up with and there will be many potential situations where a random roll will result in you missing an important charge and therefore lose a combat due to an unlucky dice incident.
That said I'll probably still play games as that's sort of what I do, lol...however any kind of tournament event is now an unlikely proposition due to the inevitable bullshit that I'll have inflicted on me. Unfortunately given the way the rulebook is written certain armies are just going to be better than others and if your sick of mech in 5th your definately going to be sick of the same three army builds that all the power-gamers are going to end up using, lol.
However I've already invested a lot in this hobby in both time and money and I don't see why some bastard in the 6th edition development team should be responsible for fucking it all up for me. I am therefore going to register my protest in the lamest way possible by continuing with my hobby while simultaneously spending the absolute minimum of money on their products...
I have piles of stuff unassembled, plenty of undercoat and paints that will last a long time and to be honest there are a wide variety of other companies whose paints are equally as good as GW's and are in many cases actually better. Though I'm quite happy to use pdf's I do like to have the book 'in my hands' so to speak. Fortunately two of my friends have started an independent hobby shop and they are doing the rulebook a bit cheaper than GW so I'll buy it from them instead...not a big 'fuck you' to Games Workshop but every little helps, lol.
So I'm now what you'd call a hobbyist rather than a gamer...I'll paint what I have and should the people at GW release something especially cool then I'll buy it from an independent store instead and I'll play games with people I know who are happy to go down the less competitive path when it comes to army design. If after the FAQ's have been released, updated and the whole issue has settled down I may re-enter the scene as 'that power gaming bastard' until then I'm a hobbyist...and that's not a bad thing now is it...for a while at least...
Allow me to explain,
I don't think it's balanced at all for a start. The inclusion of allies makes balance almost impossible and there will inevitably be rule and army interactions that will create what the internet likes to call 'broken' combinations. This is inevitable as Games Workshop don't play test with any level of thoroughness and in many case their external testers are of the 'GW can do no wrong' variety or have particularly poor ideas about how the game should work and for some reason Games Workshop listen to them rather than just shooting them on the spot...
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Let 'em have it...your probably the only girl they've met anyway... |
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That's the last time you cause me to fail a charge... |
However I've already invested a lot in this hobby in both time and money and I don't see why some bastard in the 6th edition development team should be responsible for fucking it all up for me. I am therefore going to register my protest in the lamest way possible by continuing with my hobby while simultaneously spending the absolute minimum of money on their products...
I have piles of stuff unassembled, plenty of undercoat and paints that will last a long time and to be honest there are a wide variety of other companies whose paints are equally as good as GW's and are in many cases actually better. Though I'm quite happy to use pdf's I do like to have the book 'in my hands' so to speak. Fortunately two of my friends have started an independent hobby shop and they are doing the rulebook a bit cheaper than GW so I'll buy it from them instead...not a big 'fuck you' to Games Workshop but every little helps, lol.
So I'm now what you'd call a hobbyist rather than a gamer...I'll paint what I have and should the people at GW release something especially cool then I'll buy it from an independent store instead and I'll play games with people I know who are happy to go down the less competitive path when it comes to army design. If after the FAQ's have been released, updated and the whole issue has settled down I may re-enter the scene as 'that power gaming bastard' until then I'm a hobbyist...and that's not a bad thing now is it...for a while at least...
6th Edition
Monday, 25 June 2012
I painted some Marines...
...since any-one who's followed my blog for any period of time already knows my Night Reapers colour scheme I didn't bother to take any pictures. They're basically the same as some of the ones in the picture bit down the side bar only with different numbers on them.
This week I'll treat my some-self to something a bit more interesting...
Next update will have pictures and stuff on it...honest...
...since any-one who's followed my blog for any period of time already knows my Night Reapers colour scheme I didn't bother to take any pictures. They're basically the same as some of the ones in the picture bit down the side bar only with different numbers on them.
This week I'll treat my some-self to something a bit more interesting...
Next update will have pictures and stuff on it...honest...
Public Service Announcement
Friday, 22 June 2012
Black Library Newsletter.
Couldn't be arsed to resize this...I'll be getting the Mechanicum book, not the other two though,
The Black Library Team
Black Library,
Forge World Newsletter #308
I really want one of these but I'm not sure why as it's just a big Land Raider....Or maybe that's exactly why I like it...
I'll let Forge world explain...
I'll let Forge world explain...
Forge World Newsletter #308
Forge World
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
6th Edition...
It's worse than I could have imagined...
The internet is full of confirmed rules changes complete with page pictures should you wish additional confirmation but it's not good news as far as any kind of balance goes. I've decided I'll let the hysteria blow over a little before I do any articles on the new rule-set as many of the people commenting at the moment are taking individual rules without taking into account how they'll interact with one another. Certain of the psychic powers do seem over-powered to an alarming degree but perhaps this is balanced in another way that I'm yet to notice...It does look like most of the Xenos races are being boned slightly as well...
I'm sure there will be a copy for download available for 'evaluation' sooner rather than later...though I'm in no way condoning piracy...sometimes it's best to 'try before you buy', lol.
The internet is full of confirmed rules changes complete with page pictures should you wish additional confirmation but it's not good news as far as any kind of balance goes. I've decided I'll let the hysteria blow over a little before I do any articles on the new rule-set as many of the people commenting at the moment are taking individual rules without taking into account how they'll interact with one another. Certain of the psychic powers do seem over-powered to an alarming degree but perhaps this is balanced in another way that I'm yet to notice...It does look like most of the Xenos races are being boned slightly as well...
I'm sure there will be a copy for download available for 'evaluation' sooner rather than later...though I'm in no way condoning piracy...sometimes it's best to 'try before you buy', lol.
6th Edition,
Public Service Announcement
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Time Factors...
Like most people without access to a time machine or the ability to go without sleep I have limited amounts of time in which to do things.
Like pretty much all of you out there with responsibilities of any kind there's also essentials that need to be fitted into those available spare hours such as paying bills, picking kids up from school (my own, obviously), eating, etc. With all that taken into account I have about three hours a day to spend on hobby during the week and whatever time I can persuade my family to allow me on my days off, lol.
So as I really want to get my basic stuff painted while still getting a chance to do the fun conversions I've decided to attempt a 'project' per week. I also intend to alternate between 'need to' such as basic troops and vehicles and 'more fun' things such as conversions and things like my Forge World Greater Brass Scorpion which has been at the undercoat stage for about three years now.
This week I'm starting with a 'need to' as I have thirty almost complete Marines just waiting some finishing touches. Next week I'm going to make a start on some of the 'Captains' of my Night Reapers Chapter which I'm rather looking forward to adding some colour to...
This model also deserves some care and attention as well as needing his two 'brothers' building. This is an old pic though as to be fair this one is at least base coated now.
So that's what I'll be up to and I'll have 'progress' pictures as the week goes on as well as any other random ramblings that spring to mind...the 6th edition rumours now emerging are not doing much to reassure me about the future of 40K either I'm afraid.....
Like pretty much all of you out there with responsibilities of any kind there's also essentials that need to be fitted into those available spare hours such as paying bills, picking kids up from school (my own, obviously), eating, etc. With all that taken into account I have about three hours a day to spend on hobby during the week and whatever time I can persuade my family to allow me on my days off, lol.
So as I really want to get my basic stuff painted while still getting a chance to do the fun conversions I've decided to attempt a 'project' per week. I also intend to alternate between 'need to' such as basic troops and vehicles and 'more fun' things such as conversions and things like my Forge World Greater Brass Scorpion which has been at the undercoat stage for about three years now.
This week I'm starting with a 'need to' as I have thirty almost complete Marines just waiting some finishing touches. Next week I'm going to make a start on some of the 'Captains' of my Night Reapers Chapter which I'm rather looking forward to adding some colour to...
'Counts-As' Lysander |
'Counts-As' Straken |
'Counts-As' Kharn |
So that's what I'll be up to and I'll have 'progress' pictures as the week goes on as well as any other random ramblings that spring to mind...the 6th edition rumours now emerging are not doing much to reassure me about the future of 40K either I'm afraid.....
Painting Projects
Friday, 15 June 2012
Titan Games
Some friends of mine have decided that what the Midlands area really needs is a decent Independent stockist of wargaming stuff....
They may have a point, lol.
They have a logo...
and a Facebook page...
and by the 30th June (ish) they should have an actual shop...
They'll be based in Lichfield and (as long as their plans haven't changed) should be at the following address...
5 Bore Street
United Kingdom
WS13 6LJ
They describe themselves thusly...
Titan Games are a model store and games room that stocks table top war games such as Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Warmachine, Hordes, Infinity, Dust Warfare and Malifaux. But if we haven't got it, we can get it!
We have room in store to game and paint, as well as events and games nights, so come on down and see us!
I'm sure they'd appreciate your support ;-)
They may have a point, lol.
They have a logo...
and a Facebook page...
and by the 30th June (ish) they should have an actual shop...
They'll be based in Lichfield and (as long as their plans haven't changed) should be at the following address...
5 Bore Street
United Kingdom
WS13 6LJ
They describe themselves thusly...
Titan Games are a model store and games room that stocks table top war games such as Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Warmachine, Hordes, Infinity, Dust Warfare and Malifaux. But if we haven't got it, we can get it!
We have room in store to game and paint, as well as events and games nights, so come on down and see us!
I'm sure they'd appreciate your support ;-)
Public Service Announcement
Current Project...Still in Progress...
The 'Blood Angels' army I've been pissing about with now is close enough to what it's meant to look like so I can stop calling it a 'proxy' army and now refer to it as a 'counts-as' army...well it's progress of a sort...
I took this picture just before a test game against Dark Eldar during which they kicked ass quite nicely. The only bit of 'proxy' at the time was the one Razorback sporting a Heavy Bolter turret instead of an Assault Cannon one. Since then I've made an extra turret and under-coated all the completely unpainted ones. Of course had I discovered these before I made the ones I did then I'd have used them instead.
A lot of the vehicles are from my other armies and as I'm planning on painting them properly with appropriate squad markings I'll have to buy a few more vehicles. A while ago I planned on painting up all the models I had that I'd earmarked for my 'Night Reapers' 2nd Company and then failed to do anything about it...this time will be different however...Even if I quit 40K from a gaming point of view I'll still paint all the shit I've got left as I'm sick of seeing it all sitting there on the shelf wearing nothing but an undercoat...
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This one however, looks fine just under-coated.... |
It's highly unlikely that 6th Edition will kill the golden goose that is 'vehicle and transported unit' and as their apparently releasing a load of cards for psychic powers my Librarian should still be useful...whether the rest of the army survives the transition is as yet unknown however....we await the new rulebook anxiously and with little optimism to speak of...
Blood Angels
Warhammer Forge newsletter # 29
I rarely say this in conjunction with Forge World products but I think this thing is awful.....and not in a good way either.....
A matter of taste I suppose.....

A matter of taste I suppose.....
Warhammer Forge Newsletter # 29
Warhammer Fantasy,
Warhammer Forge.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Thinking of Making a Comeback...
With 6th edition 40K imminent (which I'm not hopeful about to be honest) I've been considering my hobby future. If 6th is as radically different as the rumours have led us to believe then there are two possible outcomes for my hobbying future.
Option 1 - It's so fucking awful that I either abandon miniature wargaming altogether or need to find a new system.
Option 2 - I actually end up liking it (unlikely based on what I've heard so far) and need to effectively relearn the system which will create some new list building challenges and may inspire some tactical articles.
Ironically, both of these eventualities should result in me having something to talk about for a change.....
I am therefore considering coming out of 'retirement' and starting blogging again....and yes, that means the eye-candy articles will probably return as well...It's unlikely that I'll go back to writing articles for House of Paincakes though as I'm going to return to blogging for me without any pressures to be interesting or controversial and if other people like it then that's fine...it just won't be the reason for me blogging, lol.
Go on then...here's a picture of a hot chick.....
Option 1 - It's so fucking awful that I either abandon miniature wargaming altogether or need to find a new system.
Option 2 - I actually end up liking it (unlikely based on what I've heard so far) and need to effectively relearn the system which will create some new list building challenges and may inspire some tactical articles.
Ironically, both of these eventualities should result in me having something to talk about for a change.....
I am therefore considering coming out of 'retirement' and starting blogging again....and yes, that means the eye-candy articles will probably return as well...It's unlikely that I'll go back to writing articles for House of Paincakes though as I'm going to return to blogging for me without any pressures to be interesting or controversial and if other people like it then that's fine...it just won't be the reason for me blogging, lol.
Go on then...here's a picture of a hot chick.....
Public Service Announcement
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