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Happy Bank Holiday!
Some of you might be aware that my wife, Jenn, is American. She asked me what a bank holiday was and it did fleetingly cross my mind to make up a pile of baloney but I figure I'd tell her the truth this time, "Nobody has any idea, most of the country shuts down except corner shops and public transport decides it's Sunday. It may or may not actually have something to do with banks and parents with real jobs hate them". I am a veritable font of knowledge!
Oh yeah, miniatures, I knew I was supposed to be writing about something. This week we have an interesting new resin master, 4 new Northerners to join the growing ranks, some startling new basing sand and some ink for your friendly Yakuza. I've also broken my unwritten rule of including some Work in Progress shots for ya, the reason will be with the photos.
Talking of which...
Harem Girl, Deluxe Model
Back when Kev first made the Harem Girl, a friend of Hasslefree did him the favour of having a special one cast in bronze, which frankly is pretty cool :)
I have managed to snaffle this bronze master and get it resin cast to create this little beauty. As well as the detailed cushioned base she also differs from her metal counterpart due to the lack of manacles.
(Yes we know, you aren't a fan of the stars :) )
Ulf of Gar, Northern Swordsmen
Another warrior to join the northern invasion. This time from the more civilsed township of Gar. Ulfgar is joined by his sister, Henn, below and is armed and armoured in the style of his people with a personal twist - Broadsword, scalemail (rather than the usual chain), large circular shield and heavy furs.
(Painted version by Duffy McDuff Dufferson)
Henn, Shieldmaiden of Gar
Henga, as she is know in the feminine naming custom of Gar, is the younger sibling of Ulf above but no less mighty. Armed with a longsword, chainmail and the customary Gar roundshield.
Drya Lafhelgasdottir, Runecaster
A Dwarven mage of high renown, Drya comes equipped with a black rock of broken peak and a second fused to her magical staff!
(Painted version by jarhead)
Brynda, Daughter of the Wolf
Brynda Wulfsdottir, or Brynda the Beautiful as she is sometimes called (behind her back, and behind a rock, and behind a town) is a fearsome warrior. Swinging her maul and roundshield she walks proudly in her formidable father's footsteps!
What's an Inch between Enemies?
We had a few requests for a size comparison of our fantasy non-humans, so we knocked up this little shot for you.
Feel free to mention HERE if you'd like any similar photo comparisons of our minis and we'll see what we can do.
(Or you could just call Dain beautiful, he never gets tired of it)
Oooooh, pretty colours
Sal has spiced up our basing/modelling sand section with some bright fluorescent versions of some of our existing sand colours. Perfect for alien landscapes or psychedelic modeling jobs! :)
This says Lemon Chicken not Bravery!
I'm pretty certain these Kanji decals are the right ones, if your barbarian ends up with Duck Fried Rice written down his arm then please send all complaints letters to Sal!
Now available in black, red, brown and blue for all your tattooing, banner or sigil needs.
(As there's currently only 3 Kanji sets and I wanted to make a nice square I've thrown in a reminder of our new Sal-designed tattoo sheets!)
Walker Variant WIP
Some of you may remember way back in April when I mentioned in a few newsletters that I was bribing Kev to make certain items. With a little help from some friends that is. Well with the help of Philip Hynes and some Airsoft guns I bribed a Grymn Walker variant onto Kev's work sheet.
Unfortunately it has taken until now for inspiration to hit but look at the damn solid hit it's managed. I love it and I don't even collect Grymn, some of our regular Grymnites may need a little fan waving about now (If I can get the bikes on the list too they'll need a defibrillator!).
There are more WIP shots over on our Facebook Page, so go take a look and don't forget to tell Kev a) He's awesome and b) I sent you to bug him :)
And FInally...
Apologies for this coming out late on a bank holiday rather than the usual Sunday, we had some technical snafus the last couple of days. A whole category randomly disappeared from our website (The Studio Survivors and Zombies are now all back in their correct boxes :) ), we also exceeded our limit for this newsletter which meant I had to manually go in and thin out the herd removing double entries and the more convincing spammers etc.
The K word will be back next newsletter, we've made some decisions regarding that too and had to work around something new that popped up on our schedule. I know that's ridiculously vague but I figure I should say 'something' at least ;)
Kev has made some more ridiculously cool guns for upcoming minis, you can find a pic HERE. Quick tip, Kev absolutely loves it when you take him to task because a trigger guard is 0.5mm to the left of where it should be and the grip doesn't match the curtains :D On a more serious note, feel free to pile in with more weapon suggestions and see if yours randomly inspires Kev!
I think that's it! 'Til next time,