This should have been Part 1 I suppose but I do things in the order that they occur to me not necessarily in the order that they should be done, lol.
Location of the most recent breach into Malifaux, Latest area to be occupied by the forces of Cryx, Stronghold of the Dark Legion, Homeworld of the 'Night Reapers' Space Marine Chapter, Council of Seven allocated Deadzone and the lair of some opinionated git called GMort who they let hang out with them...when he's not distracted by Steampunk, Gothic culture or Cosplay...
For those of you who don't subscribe to the Forgeworld Newsletter...
Phobos Pattern Bolter PackThe Phobos Pattern Bolter Pack is closely associated with Mk II ‘Crusade’ Armour and is perhaps the most venerable design of the sacred Bolter used by the Astartes. Both were hand-crafted by the Fabricators of Mars at the very birth of the Imperium, to ensure that every Marine had the finest wargear with which to reunite the scattered elements of Humanity.
Designed by Phil Stutcinskas and Will Hayes, the Phobos Pattern Bolter pack contains 10 finely detailed, resin weapons, with optional combat blade attachments, and can be pre-ordered here for despatch in the week commencing August 23rd. Like the other Forge World Weapon Sets currently available to pre-order, the Phobos pattern Bolters can be combined with the full range of plastic Games Workshop and resin Forge World Space Marine sets.
Space Marine Infantry Upgrade Sets Available to Pre-Order Now:
We have even more Space Marine armour variants available for you to pre-order this week. Designed by Will Hayes and Phil Stutcinskas, all of these detailed resin kits contain enough parts to build 5 Space Marines - each set includes two different poses of legs, as well as separate torsos, helmets, backpacks, shoulder pads and arms.
MkII ‘Crusade’ Armour SetThe first of our Space Marine armour sets is this fantastic Mk II ‘Crusade’ Armour Set sculpted by Will Hayes and Phil Stutcinskas. Mk II Armour represented a significant technological step forward compared to the original Thunder Armour, and was supplied by the Adeptus Mechanicus, who hand-crafted each component to the highest specification. The few surviving examples of this pattern are still maintained by some of the oldest Space Marine Chapters, venerated as sacred relics.
MkV ‘Heresy’ Armour SetThe iconic Mk V ‘Heresy’ Armour Set is an archaic pattern of Power Armour, first created during the dark and shadowed days of the Great Betrayal, which saw several layers of inferior-quality materials bonded with adamantium studs. As some Forge Worlds sided with Horus and some remained loyal to the Emperor, the supply lines from the Forge Worlds that manufactured arms and armour for the Legions were heavily disrupted, forcing the Legions to develop the MkV pattern.
MkVI ‘Corvus’ Armour SetPerhaps the most recognisable of all marks of power armour, the Mk VI ‘Corvus’ Armour Set is most associated with the Raven Guard Chapter, but also sees service in many other Chapters. Designed as a successor to the advanced Mk IV ‘Maximus’ armour that was derailed by the Horus Heresy, Mk VI ‘Corvus’ Armour is distinctive for its’ relatively clean appearance and elongated, conical nose – designed to house additional systems including advanced Autosenses. The studded left shoulder pad, taken from the previous Mk V pattern, commemorates the glory of those heroes who stood at the Eternity Gate alongside the Emperor himself.
You can see all of these sets here; along with a gallery of photos showing examples of how these brilliant parts can be combined with plastic Space Marine kits, as well as other Forge World resin accessories such as our Bolter sets and Special Weapons packs. All of these kits are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing August 23rd, and while this is the last batch of Space Marine kits we will be unveiling for now, keep an eye on Forge World Newsletters over September for news of a few top secret models that we are hoping to release at UK Games Day…
Raven Guard and Flesh Tearers Etched BrassThe first in the expansion to our range of Chapter-specific etched brass accessories are these detailed sets of Raven Guard Etched Brass and Flesh Tearers Etched Brass from the talented hands of Forge World graphic artist Kenton Mills. These detailed frames provide a range of Chapter insignia that can be applied to both infantry and vehicles as you can see here and these symbols are perfect for adding detail and variety to your Raven Guard and Flesh Tearers squads. Both frames will be shipped from August 23rd.
Iron Hands and Imperial Fists Transfer SheetsNot content to rest on his Etched Brass laurels, Kenton has also put together a new range of Chapter-specific A4 decal sheets, the first of which are Iron Hands Transfers and Imperial Fists Transfers.
These A4 sheets are packed with over 500 individual Chapter badges, squad markings and numbers, as well as vehicle markings and Clan-Company badges in the case of the Iron Hands – all perfect for adding additional detail to your Imperial Fists and Iron Hands units.
Both of these fantastic transfer sheets are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing August 23rd.
All these new releases are available to pre-order along with the Caestus Assault Ram, Umbra Pattern Bolter Pack, MkIII ‘Iron Armour’, Special Weapons Pack, MkIV ‘Maximus’ Armour and the Umbra Ferrox Bolter Pack – you can find all these kits here.
Forge World Events NewsForge World will be attending Games Day Baltimore on August 21st, and in addition to our usual array of kits available from our Sales Stand, we will be selling extremely limited numbers of all our recent Space Marine kits as exclusive pre-release items.
Paul Rudge from our Book Production team will also be in attendance, showcasing final proof copies of the forthcoming, oft-hinted, Imperial Armour project which our recent range of Space Marine releases all link to…
Forge World will also be attending Games Day UK at the Birmingham NEC on September 26th, and we are now taking reservation orders for this event. This is the best way to guarantee that we will have exactly what you want on the day, and you won’t even have to queue as we have a separate Reservations Collections area on our sales stand. To place a reservation, just send an e-mail titled ‘Games Day UK Reservation’ to ForgeworldReservations@games-workshop.co.uk including your name and a list of the items you’d like us to provide. You can also telephone us on 0115 916 8177 – in either case, we will provide you with an order number and total cost slightly before the event, and we’ll also inform you of anything that we can’t guarantee to have for you.
New Forge World Catalogue Now Available! |