Thursday 31 October 2013

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection - Dark Legion - Part 4

After a bit of clarification on base sizes as I was unsure whether their own squad leader was on a 40mm base like a Necromutant squad leader (he isn't by the way) I decided to assemble the Necromutant squad next...

1 - Straight out of the Bag.
As you'd expect given the chosen material you get some big lumps of resin to remove. It's worth noting that the left over lumps of resin with the stumps sticking out make perfectly expectable urban scenery barricades when painted appropriately...maybe that'll be a tutorial for another time...

2 - The Parts.
There were no major issues with these bits at all. Just the usual outer edge mould lines and bits of flash that you'd expect to find.

3 - Stage One and Two.
The legs are nicely detailed and the torso's fit onto them without much tidying up. You can mix and match torso's and legs freely so you can can get a lot of variation between models.

4 - Weapons and Heads...
This unit comes with enough weapons to equip them all with guns if you wish though I gave one the 'Heavy Plaguedealer'. It'll take a few games before I start worryingly about unit optimisation. I tend to prefer to kill things at a distance so some weapon changes will inevitably occur as I find out what works...and what doesn't...

I've been really enjoying these models. They're well detailed and fit together quite nicely. Tomorrow I'll assemble the characters (Alakhai and Golgotha) as well as the Behemoth and hopefully get them all based and under-coated.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Weekly House of Paincakes Article (25)

This weeks House of Paincakes article is the next in my series on alternate game systems to Games Workshop. This time we're looking at Warmachine and Hordes or 'Warmahordes' as it's commonly known...not 'Hormachine' as I've been calling it...

...I still prefer 'Hormachine' though....

...the article can be found here.

As this is a Wednesday then we have the obligatory gallery and what with Halloween on it's way and the fact that my current hobby project is a Dark Legion of the undead I figured a zombie, zombie hunter theme would be in order...

As usual if this isn't the sort of thing you like to look at then don't scroll down.....






Zombies.....Sort of...

Zombie Hunters...Possibly...

What to do when you actually catch one?

This one keeps insisting she's not a zombie...she stays in the basement till I'm sure...
 Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome...they can even be on the article if you like...

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection - Dark Legion - Part 3

Lets look at some Praetorian Stalkers then...

I'll note any issues as I go along as with any new range of models (especially with Resin which can be tricky) it's inevitable that there will be minor issues and hopefully articles such as this will help to resolve them in a nicely constructive manner.

Stage 1
I figured you all knew how to glue legs to bases...

Stage 2 - Torso's
Where the torso's are connected to the block of resin will leave a lump where you need to attach them to the legs. This requires some filing out...

Stage 3 - Beginning to look like a model...
The torso's attach very nicely to the legs once they're filed out. In fact I was pleasantly surprised at the fit...

Stage 4 - Making sure they're not 'armless'...Yes, I used that gag before...Sorry...
Unfortunately, not one of the guns survived their journey to me completely intact. Hopefully these will be a bit better packed at 'official' release time as those bayonets are quite thin.

This one had a gap where the hand should go...luckily I found it in the bag and reattached it...

Stage 5 - Complete
I removed the remaining bayonet stump from the one gun and trimmed the longer one with the missing end back into a blade shape and they looked just fine. Still an issue I suppose, but an easily sorted one for even an inexperienced modeller.

Next time we'll look at the Scythe equipped version.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Monday 28 October 2013

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection - Dark Legion - Part 2

I started the assembly process yesterday...

Undead Legionnaires unpacked.
There's the usual big lumps of resin that we come to expect when this material is's nothing unusual...

A Pile of Parts.
Observation 1 - Several of the mould lines in the inside of the legs become indentations that are a little to deep to file away without losing most of the leg. Mildly inconvenient on two, terrible on two others but fixable via filling. As these guys are undead a few extra holes I can paint as wounds aren't really an issue...

A Bit of Leg...
Observation 2 - The legs aren't of the type that fit into a slot yet the bases provided are slotted ones meaning I have to fill the slots in them before I add basing material...I've occasionally had the same issue with Wyrd Miniatures stuff probably because they're moving onto plastic models and still had old stock of bases...

Or Are You a Chest Man?
These fitted on nicely and though it was obvious where they went it would also be relatively easy to re-angle them should you wish to increase the variety of poses.

No Longer 'Armless'...
So I have eight arms with the gun handle in their right hand and two with it in their left but I have nine opposite left arms and only one opposite right arm...that's going to require a bit of thought..

Note - Apparently this issue is being sorted currently. It's nice to see that they're paying attention to early feedback in order to provide the best product possible.

A Mantic Games Zombie kindly donated one of his arms to it's Dark Legion cousin ;-) 

Technical Difficulties...
My camera ran out at that point but I was too impatient to wait so we've missed a few steps. A Razide from the Starter Set and a couple of Necromutants got assembled as well. There were no issues at all with these models...

More progress reports to follow...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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