Wednesday 31 May 2017

The Wednesday Gallery

Regular readers of the blog will know by now that I have Wednesdays off from wargaming related features and instead indulge my love of steampunk, Gothic and occasionally Cosplay. If this isn't the sort of thing that interests you then feel free to pop back tomorrow where there will no doubt be a feature of more interest to you...

This weeks gallery will have a 'Time' theme...mainly because I have very little of it to spare lately.....






...and in the interests of's some gentlemen along the same theme...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Warlord Games Newsletter

Warlord Games usual mid-week newsletter...

Welcome to the Warlord Games Wednesday Newsletter, featuring all this week's hobby activity and latest articles.
Part II of the history of the Airlanding Platoons is here!
Jacob Richards has created a Matilda II Sea Lion painting guide!
Must Contain Minis published a Sea Lion Review recently! We wanted to share it with you if you are yet to pick up the latest Bolt Action scenario!
As the plot thickens with Shamasai Dust, what will Batu and his Freeborn do next?
Want to paint some Jurgen Horn Winter Falcons? Look no further!
The new Heavy British Cavalry and Regiment are thundering across the battlefields of Napoleonic France, in stores 17th June!
The War Gamer has made a video teaching you how to paint U.S Airborne using the EXCLUSIVE LT. Spiers figure!
Episode 14 of the Freeborn Shard includes news and interviews; an unboxing of the Liberator and other new releases and much more!
Want to know the rules of our new game? You can now get the FREE RULES PDF!
A new Antares weekly campaign, by the Primus Shard, is underway at Warlord HQ!
Come on down for a full-on day of Antares on Saturday 1st of July. We have plenty of room to join battles, seminars, displays and more!
If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

Warlord Games
T13/T15 Technology Wing - The Howitt Building
Lenton Business Centre - Lenton Boulevard
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2BD
United Kingdom
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