Sunday 30 June 2013

Crew a Week Project (Week 11) - Lucas McCabe's Relic Hunters.

Cutting it a bit fine this week but to be fair I was painting the Guild Riflemen as well as the Relic Hunters which is ten models in total...and I have to fit work and sleep in there somewhere as well.....

Lucas McCabe - Mounted.

and Dismounted.

and of course...Luna...

Sidir Alchibal.

and McCabe's Wastrels.

 and as a bonus objective for myself I painted some Guild Riflemen as well...

I tried to get a more grimy look for the Wastrels and a darker feel for the Riflemen by using extra layers of wash rather than with highlights...I leave it up to you to decide if I was successful or not. I'll also take some pictures of them with nicer backgrounds and a group shot or two tomorrow some time.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Games Workshop 'Apocalypse' Newsletter (1 of 4 Apparently)

Apocalypse is here...I like the Necron one, hate the Khorne one and think the Space Marine characters are too static in pose...I'm also not fond of the guy with a vehicle sprue radar dish glued to his shoulder.

As Games Workshop Newsletters are awkward to copy in their original form the link to the pre-order page can be found here. The newsletter itself is below...

Games Workshop
 The Games Workshop Newsletter29.06.2013
In this issue: Apocalypse is here! Newsletter 1 of 4.
Play massive games of Warhammer 40,000.

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Games Workshop Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales. Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, England, United Kingdom. Company number 1467092.
Copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2013. The copyright in the logos and artwork, including the images it depicts, is the property of Games Workshop Limited excepting all materials pertaining to the Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. theatrical production THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY which is © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (s13)
Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, Warhammer 40,000, the Warhammer 40k device, Citadel and the Citadel device and all associated marks and logos are either ®, ™ and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2013, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All rights reserved.

Wyrd Miniatures Newsletter

An expansion for 'Evil Baby Orphanage', a new fate deck, a chance to win something and some new merchandise.....

NOW AVAILABLE: Evil Baby Orphanage
Available in stores June 28th
  • Crayon Manifesto (EBO Expansion)
  • Evil Baby Fate Deck

The Crayon Manifesto

WYRPG002 - Crayon Manifesto Expansion - $12.00
The Crayon Manifesto is a supplement to the Evil Baby Orphanage Card Game. It introduces Time Nanny Cards, which give Players alternate Win Conditions or Special Abilities, and adds a new layer of fun to the game! Be careful, there are also 15 new toddlers to terrorize the orphanage.


  • 10 Time Nanny Cards
  • 5 Toy Cards
  • 20 Action Cards
  • 15 New Unique Babies
  • 1 Time Machine Card

Evil Baby Fate Deck

WYR1104 - Evil Baby Orphanage: Fate Deck - $11.50
High quality plastic deck of cards. This is a box of awesome Evil Baby Orphanage playing cards! Use them for Mailifaux, Puppet Wars or any other card game!
2nd Edition Raffle

The M2E open beta is still open and strong and we would like to thank everyone who has taken the time and effort to download, play and most importantly, give your feedback.
Running up to the release of Malifaux 2nd Edition, Wyrd is running a raffle in an effort to support local brick and mortar game stores. Every week in the months of July and August we will raffle off a copy of the new M2E book and a random newly released plastic box set to some lucky person who purchased Wyrd product (including Evil Baby Orphanage and Puppet Wars) at a local game store! To enter, scan or photograph your receipt and send it to Jacqulyn@wyrd-games.netwith the exact words, "M2E Raffle" in the title of the email. The receipt must have the date of purchase, name of the store, price, and product code (or name of the item) visible. Unfortunately, hand written receipts can not be accepted. At the end of every week, we will pick a random person in both North America and abroad (Europe, etc) and we will send them a bundle! Winners will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond, or a new winner will be selected. The store where the purchase was made will also receive a copy of the new M2e Rulebook to use as store copy.
Only product purchased through brick and mortar stores will be eligible. I know that not everyone has an LGS near them, but we are really trying to help support local business. Winners will be picked from entries during that week (so if you enter on week 1, you need to enter again to try to win week 2). You may enter as many times as you wish during any week. Prizes will be sent after August 15th due to production and manufacturing times.
Support our new partnership
Wyrd has joined forces with Offworld Design so that you can now wear our great artwork. We are starting with EBO and Puppet Wars ... M2E to come. Click on each design below to get your order in - they are taking preorders till the 10th.
31000 Wyrd Evil Baby Sippy T-Shirt

31001 Wyrd Puppet Wars Silurid T-Shirt

Friday 28 June 2013

Mantic Newsletter

I like their stuff more and more.....

Summer Streamroller
Like A New Army for the Summer of War... on Facebook

He turned to see that a score of Tiro’s men had dropped to the ground, clutching at ragged wounds and bloodied stumps. A pall of grey smoke shrouded the trees to their left flank, but it did not hide the second group of Ogres. They were hanging back, reloading the immense wide-bore rifles they carried... Read the full story here!

We’ve been featuring all of the new plastic units through our revamped blog all week and, after our cheeky preview in last week’s newsletter, the newOgre range is up on the Mantic Webstore for pre-order!

Not only can you pick up Grokagamok, Warriors, Shooters and our cool new Army Set through the website, but we’ve got two awesome Army Deals that bundle them together with a few web-exclusive Veteran Conversion Kits such as the Ogre Chariot Regiment and the Red Goblin Blaster - two new units with rules in the Kings and Legends Ogre Force List.

Designed to offer you fantastic value for money and a complete army in a box, grab Grokagamok’s Vangaurd and Grokagamok’s Granite Fists Company here! You'll even get a free copy of the Kings and Legends book.

NEW! Goblins
We’ve just had the painted Fleabag Riders into the office and my-oh-my don’t they look brilliant!!

The trio of Goblin Heroes, Goblin Mincer and the new Goblin Fleabag Riders/ Fleabag Riders Sniffs are all now available to pre-order, either as individual Goblinboxsets or as part of Biggit’s Deathblades Rabble or Gronk's Dastardly Devils army deals – massive armies that allow you to build your complete Goblin Horde with Trolls, Warmachines and more infantry than you can shake a War Trombone at!

But seriously, what's next?

The Basileans are coming...
Unleash the Wolves of War!

It’s that time of the month where all of the new shinies get released into the world! All of June’s new goodies are now shipping – that’s Werewolves, Trolls, Mummies, Orc Chariot, Orc Fight Wagon and Lady Ilona all winging their way to you.

We’ve got some great value Army Deals available including Ilona’s Black Wolf Templars that includes 9 Plastic Werewolves and Grak’s Skull-taker Horde: a legion of Orcs with Chariots and Trolls…. Get yours here!

Mantic Podcast Episode 9 is now live!

Featuring a mind-boggling amount of cool stuff, Ben Curry sits down with Ronnie Renton, Alessio Cavatore and James M. Hewitt to discuss all things Mantic.

Listen to episode 9 of the Mantic Podcast on the Mantic Blog or on iTunes now!

Last chance to get your application in!

Mantic Games is looking for a talented painter to join our team in Nottingham. Think you've got what it takes?

Details are on our Careers page.

Wanted: Intern

We're looking for a talented undergraduate to come and join us on placement here at Mantic Games.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain real experience within an innovative company!

7th - Kings of War Tournament, Ross on Wye

20th - Gert Bowl, Bristol

20/21st - Toy Soldier, Northwest Gaming Centre, Stockport

21st - Scottish DB Heat, Dundee, Highlander Games.

27th - DreadBall National Heat - Tabletop Nation, Essex

27th - DreadBall One Day Tournament, Sutton Coldfield

27th - TTN DreadBall Nation Tournament, Tabletop Nation, Hockley, Essex

Want to get your event on this list?Get in touch and we'll add it to next week's newsletter!
Our mailing address is:
Mantic Games, Greasley Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NG England.
Copyright (C) 2012 Mantic Entertainment Ltd All rights reserved.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Weekly House of Paincakes Article (9)

This weeks House of Paincakes article is the second part of my feature on the Malifaux Neverborn faction and can be found here.

The now obligatory set of accompanying pictures was originally meant to go with the first article which contained Lilith but I got distracted by Comic-book Cosplay, lol.

and for the person who complained that I only ever post pictures of's a picture of Brandon Lee...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome...they can even be on the article if you like...

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Unboxing Malifaux - Guild Rifleman

Opening presents is fun...these models work well with Lucas McCabe's Relic Hunters (amongst others)...

Guild Riflemen.

The Box - Front and Rear.

Sprue 1 - Front and Rear.

Sprue 2 - Front and Rear.

Sprue 3 - Front and Rear.

The Stat Card - Front and Rear (No inside'll have to buy one to see that...)

Here's some assembled ones...
I haven't decided how to base these yet so for now they're lightly tacked to the 30mm bases they came with.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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