Saturday 31 May 2014

Unboxing Malifaux - Alternate Ramos

There are currently three versions of Ramos available and though they're all very nice I personally prefer the alternate version. I'm yet to find anyone who feels that one version is 'bad' in any particular area...

Should you be actually looking for the M2E Ramos 'Starter Set' unboxing then you can find it here.

Blister Artwork.

Alternate Ramos - Unassembled.

Alternate Ramos Stat Card (1.5)
With the advent of version 2 (M2E) these 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Alternate Ramos - Assembled.
Ramos himself is a complete model though the tentacle he appears to be summoning is a single but separate piece. The piece that you need to remove between his arm and coat is fairly thick and will require a bit of filing to smooth down the connection points afterwards...other than that it's a simple job...

For those of you interested in such things here are some comparison shots between the original and the new versions of Ramos. From right to left we have the original metal version, the alternate metal version and the new plastic one...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Unboxing Malifaux - Alternate Som'er Teeth Jones

There are currently two versions of Som'er Teeth Jones available though both versions are nice...which is why I own both...

Blister Artwork.

Som'er Teeth Jones - Unassembled.

Som'er Teeth Jones Stat Card (1.5)
With the advent of version 2 (M2E) these 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Som'er Teeth Jones - Assembled.
There's a lot of 'flash' on this model but the separate gun fits onto the main body easily. There's a mould line that's particularly noticeable across the top of the hat but it's simply removed. Mine has been based on a Wyrd Miniatures 30mm Bayou base.

For those of you interested in such things here are some comparison shots between the original and the alternate versions of Som'er Teeth Jones.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Friday 30 May 2014

UK Games Expo 2014

After an enjoyable couple of days at the UK Games Expo last year doing demo's for Titan Games they've convinced me to do it again this year...with a few differences...

Apparently the stand this year is three times the size...which is fortunate as apparently it's going to have three times the people on it. They're also fortunate to have representatives from both Prodos Games and Mantic Games... well as their own awesome team of enthusiastic demonstrators. Obviously the emphasis will be on those companies respective game systems but there will also be demo's available for other systems meaning if you want a demo of Deadzone, Dreadball, Magic the Gathering, Star Trek : Attack Wing, Star Wars: X-Wing, Malifaux, Warmachine, Warzone Resurrection and probably a few things I've forgotten then there's is the stand to go to...

...they're also a friendly and helpful bunch of guys...I'll also be there myself...but don't let that put you off.....

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Mantic Games Newsletter - It's All Ruined!

Hopefully they'll have some new of the new stuff at the UK Games Expo this weekend...

...if they do they had better keep a close eye on it, lol.

It's All Ruined!
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Battlezones – the brand new range of modular wargames scenery – is now shipping, as are all of our funky Abyssal Dwarf releases. But we're not stopping there, hot on the heels of the Urban, Fortifications and Landing Pad sets are the Ruins...
The Ruin sprues can be built completely stand alone or can be mixed together with other Battlezones sprues to create some truly unique buildings – and some utterly devastated warzones.
Thanks to Nick Williams for assembling and painting the larger terrain kit for us.

Today we’ve got the Ruined Quadrant available for pre-order - the biggest box of Ruined terrain you'll find - which will begin shipping at the end of June. As a special thank you, pre-orders for the Ruined Quadrant will also include 2 FREE Accessory sprues!

Want more? Check out the sidebar for brand new videos on Battlezones and go to the website now to see the whole range!

Whilst we’re on the subject of Battlezones, Anarchy Models have put together three great Stencil Kits for your wargames terrain, including a Chevron kit, a Landing Pad kit and a collection of Deadzone signage.

There’s even a triple pack where you can get one of each with a great 20% discount on ordering them separately - pop on over to the website now to see the whole range.

Missed the Open Day?

With so many hobbyists hungry for more Mantic, maintaining our games has become more than a one-man job. While Jake and Alessio are hard at work on our core systems to bring you more exciting new releases, we can’t let the support for our fans and their favourite games fall by the wayside - so we’re looking for help!

We want games that are simple, fun and exciting to play - and this is your change to influence that!

We’re looking to put together a crack team of dedicated volunteers to help keep our game systems alive and offer us a fresh perspective. If you’re a talented writer or designer, with a good understanding of gaming and a keen eye for detail,check out the blog here for how you can apply!
Ronnie builds Battlezones!
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Ronnie is positively excited about the Battlezones release, so much so he's got the camera out to show you just how easy it is to assemble the terrain.
Make sure you check it out!

If you'd like a more technical approach to building and painting your scenery, check out Dave's Hobby Tips.
Help for Heroes Battlezone Raffle
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Mel at TheTerrainTutor on Youtube has got his hands on a big box of Battlezones Scenery - and he's going to be raffling it off for charity once it's assembled and built.

He's going to document the whole process of building and painting it as his June project, before raffling off the finished gaming board when it's done.

We can't wait to see what he does with it, and we hope you'll subscribe and follow his progress closelyhere.
Everyone's going ga-ga for the scenery
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If you've not seen it already, Bell of Lost Souls have posted up about their first impressions on Battlezones...

Keep an eye out for future videos and articles coming soon!

We're looking for Pathfinders!
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We’re now accepting applications for Pathfinders globally!

Pathfinders are exuberant volunteers who are passionate about Mantic - if you want to know more about the benefits or if you’re interested in joining please check out this blog for all the details on how to apply!

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Want to come and meet the Mantic guys and learn how to play our games? Here's the latest list of Events for the UK:

31st May - UK Games Expo
1st June - Partisan, Newark
14th June - Clash of Kings: Nottingham
21st June - DreadBall Regional Tournament: East Anglia
28th June - Wartorn, Scarborough
28th June - Conclave, Limerick

Check out the Events List for all of the details.
Our mailing address is:
Mantic Games, Greasley Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NG England.
Copyright (C) 2012 Mantic Entertainment Ltd All rights reserved.

Unboxing Malifaux - Wendigo

There's nothing quite like having a cute fluffy pet...especially one that eats people...

Rasputina's Wendigo 'Totem' is part of the new starter set though those of you using the older metal version would have needed to purchase him separately.

The newer plastic version of the Wendigo is currently only available in the Rasputina Starter Set the unboxing of which can be found here. There are comparison shots at the bottom of this article should you be curious about the differences.

Blister Artwork.

Wendigo - Unassembled

Wendigo Stat Card (1.5)
With the advent of version 2 (M2E) these 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Wendigo - Assembled
The model is single piece so there are no assembly issues and mould lines were virtually none existent.

For those of you interested in such things here are some comparison shots between the original and the new versions of the Wendigo. The new version is attacking what appears to be a guard of some description and many people have separated the two we'll compare to the complete version however...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Unboxing Malifaux - Mechanical Doves

Why have just one Mechanical Dove when you can have three?

Blister Artwork.

Mechanical Doves - Unassembled

Mechanical Dove Stat Card (1.5)
With the advent of version 2 (M2E) these 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Mechanical Doves - Assembled
Mine are assembled on Fenris Games Floorboard bases but a number of companies produce similar ones...or you can make your own with bits of those coffee stirrers that all hobbyists should 'acquire' a handful of every time they can...

The first two models are single piece so there are no assembly issues and mould lines were virtually none existent. The third is in two pieces...

The claws of the third Mechanical Dove are on the book part so the dove itself needs to be placed in this position for the parts to align but that's fairly simple to achieve.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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