Friday 30 September 2016

Unboxing Malifaux - Carrion Emissary

"Rot or Rend?..Why not both?"

The Carrion Emissary box contains enough parts for one miniature...namely the Carrion Emissary. It also contains a stat card for him and several upgrade cards.

Carrion Emissary - Sprue
The box has one sprue in it as well as the aforementioned cards. Here's pictures of both sides of it...

Carrion Emissary - Stat and Upgrade Cards
Wyrd Games didn't like my publishing pictures of both sides of the stat cards so you'll have to make do with this...and the upgrade cards...which only have one side anyway...

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Carrion Emissary - Instructions

Some General Notes on Assembly.
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters.

Carrion Emissary - Assembled
The lower part of the body is in two halves as is the upper body. The Scythe is slightly in the way of the curved extra cloak piece (with the syringes on it) and the separate hacksaw so you may want to attach these before adding the upper body though you can still get to them if the upper body is already's just easier without. 

You should put the (assembled) head in-between the upper body sections before gluing the body as the attaching piece is slightly angled and is a tight fit otherwise. Failing that you can also just cut off the tab and glue the head onto the neck directly. 

The three part skull is a tiny bit fiddly to put together and the tiny 'wires' that align with the hand are easier to attach if you haven't put the wings on first as the right one does get in the way a bit.

Carrion Emissary - Comparison Picture and Rotating View
Here's a couple of comparison pictures between the Carrion Emissary and the Carrion Effigies as well as a rotating view.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Chaosium Inc. Newsletter

Some news from Chaosium...

#29 the straight scoop from the well of chaos...

Chaosium Converges of Germany - Spiel Essen and The Kraken

Coming up next month, the Chaosium team including RickNeilJeffKris AliceMike and MOB will be at the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL '16 at Essen from October 13-16. Come see the team at booth - 2D-165, where we'll be demoing the new Reiner Knizia Gloranthan card game KHAN OF KHANS!

The following English language titles will be available for sale at the booth:
  • 7th edition Call of Cthulhu slipcase sets (hardcover) - limited copies
  • 7th edition Keeper Rulebook
  • 7th edition Investigator Handbook
  • S. Petersen Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors
  • 7th edition Keeper Screen Pack
  • Nameless Horrors
  • Horror on the Orient Express
  • Ripples from Carcosa
  • Cold Harvest
  • RuneQuest Classic
The week before Essen (October 7-10), the Chaosium team, sans Mike but including Sandy Petersen, will be at at Schloss Neuhausen, a Prussian Château outside Berlin for The Kraken, "the baroque gathering of international gamers". Other special guests include Jason Durall, Ian Brumby and Robin Laws. 

The Plains of Prax!

This iconic map, well-remembered from RuneQuest 2, and William's Church's paired map of Dragon Pass, are now available as posters, wall art and more at our Chaosium Redbubble store. Along with classic RuneQuest covers, like the infamous "At last I'll be able to afford some clothes!" cover of Plunder:

We keep adding more art, maps, classic covers and more to our Redbubble store, where you can also get t-shirts, mugs, tote bags and other cool stuff. And if you "follow"Chaosium on Redbubble, you'll find out first when we add new stuff, or when Redbubble have one of their frequent sale days.

Licensee Focus: Stygian Fox


 A licensed sourcebook for Cthulhu by Gaslight, 
detailing a ready-made anti-Cthulhu Mythos Victorian organisation.

Taking its inspirational cues from Sherlock HolmesRipper StreetAuguste DupinThe Suspicions of Mr. Whicher, and The Incendiary's Trail, our friends Stygian Fox's are bringing out a licensed sourcebook for Cthulhu by GaslightHudson and Brand takes a mature look at the horror of Mythos machinations and the many dark corners in the seat of empire.

Investigators get a ready made base from which to operate; the offices of the inquiry agents Hudson & Brand (missing, presumed dead). Inside there's plans of the lodgings and office, case notes, NPCs, pregenerated characters, maps, and an adventure into the dark underbelly of London! God Save The Queen!

Stygian Fox set a high benchmark with their previous Kickstarter, Things We Leave Behind; this most recent project and this promises to reach that bar too. TheKickstarter funded in 5 hours and still has a month to go! Find out more about it here:

Licensee Focus: Weird 8 


A 1920s horror Call of Cthulhu RPG scenario set in New England with ancient magics, unbridled ambition & a new take on an old god. 

With just over a week to go, our newest licensee Weird 8's Sun Spots Kickstarterpassed a major milestone at $10K, meaning the scenario now comes with 1920s-style visitor's guide handout.
Sun Spots was originally going to be a project for the late Keith Herber, Chaosium's celebrated Call of Cthulhu line editor. Dave Sokolowski is going all out to make this something 'Doc' would have been proud of. It's definitely worth checking out:
What is Ab Chaos?
(...from Ab Chaos #7, May 31 1992)

Ab - Latin "from"
Chaos - (1) Any condition or place of total disorder (modern vernacular); (2) the disordered state of unformed matter which preceded creation (since Milton, Paradise Lost); (3) the dark, empty space which preceded creation (Greek Mythology); (4) the [formerly] Californian roleplaying game company.

Ab Chaos is an informal newsletter for Chaosium fans. Through our history we have tried to serve the players and gamemasters through craft and art as well as (and sometimes at the expense of) marketing and moneymaking. We appreciate your loyalty, and offer this communication to those who are curious about us, beyond the mere "product".

It is planned to be informal and irregular. We are, after all, not the Orderium.
Copyright © 2016 Chaosium Inc., All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Chaosium Inc.
3450 Wooddale Ct
Ann ArborMI 48104

Forge World Newsletter

Something new from Forge World for those Space Marine forces of yours...

Warhammer 40,000 Open Days Tickets
The Forge World Bulletin
Share your miniatures with us
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2000 – 2016. GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Forge World, Warhammer, the twin-tailed comet logo, Warhammer Forge, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Imperial Armour, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved. Games Workshop Limited, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS. Registered in England and Wales - Company No. 01467092. VAT No. GB 580853421
© Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc.(s16)
© 2016 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc.

Wizkids Update

Some Heroclix and Dice Masters news from Wizkids...

Greetings WizKids Fans,

WKO DATES ANNOUNCED! Find a Location Near You Today!

Prepare to do fearsome battle in the Regional Championships for HeroClix and Dice Masters as well as many other amazing side events at this year's Fall WizKids Open!
Scroll down on the WKO page to find the map showing all event locations. Simply click on one of the red markers to open up event and store details! Example below:

Play amazing games, win convention exclusive prizes, and support local game stores at some of the biggest WizKids gaming events of the year! We look forward to seeing you there!
REGISTER NOW! Strahd Rainbow Draft Weekend
Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Strahd Rainbow Draft Weekend Begins October 8th, 2016!

Unravel the mysteries of Castle Ravenloft with the Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Strahd Rainbow Draft event!

Players will have an opportunity to Rainbow Draft and have a shot at winning limited edition alternate art cards! Just for participating, everyone will receive a Strahd: Master of Ravenloft card and die for use in Dice Masters!*

*While supplies last.
Find an event near you and register today: 
-The WizKids Team
Copyright © 2016 National Entertainment Collectibles Association, All rights reserved.
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