I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players. These are the chronicles of their adventures.
Our campaign is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to search for ways to once again bring the Ivory Tower to dominance under the pretence of being disillusioned neonates looking for the freedom of the Anarch way of life. Now with a barony of their own it's time to consolidate their position and then plan their next move.
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE as well as links to the first episode of each story in the blog sidebar.
'Infiltrate LA' Chronicle
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part One, Two, Three, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part Five, Six, Seven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part Six, Seven and Eight
'Foothold LA' Chronicle
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Solo Session - 'The Anaheim Assassination'
Story Six - 'A Meeting of Barons' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Seven - 'The Carmelita Situation' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Eight - 'The Blount Sisters' - Part One and Two
Story Nine - 'Blood Money' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE as well as links to the first episode of each story in the blog sidebar.
'Infiltrate LA' Chronicle
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part One, Two, Three, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part Five, Six, Seven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part Six, Seven and Eight
'Foothold LA' Chronicle
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Solo Session - 'The Anaheim Assassination'
Story Six - 'A Meeting of Barons' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Seven - 'The Carmelita Situation' - Part One, Two and Three
Story Eight - 'The Blount Sisters' - Part One and Two
Story Nine - 'Blood Money' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five

Player controlled characters
Michael Tomassio - Toreador, Baron of Pasadena
Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah, Sheriff
Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim, 'Fixer'
Hope Romero - Gangrel, Scourge
Mr Hertz - Nosferatu, Mob Accountant
The SPC's
Storyteller controlled player allies
Johnny 'Roach' West - Malkavian, Seneschal
Marie - Clan Carna, Occult Advisor
As I have written out introductions and dialogue for certain NPC's and some location descriptions I'll post these more or less as I wrote them so they'll be in a 'reading to the group' style and they'll also be in blue so you can tell them apart from the more traditional write-up sections and occasionally an obscure Malkavian premonition will turn up in purple. If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red. Anything covered via player handouts will also be in blue as they're written in the same style as introductions and the like. Where particular NPC's have a mention in a faction profile you will be able to reach it by clicking on their name beneath their picture.
Scene Twenty One - Preparations
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Reuben Hart - Ghoul of Roach Leader of 'The Apostles' |
The terms also specify that all present are to attend the meeting itself unarmed. Of course as the Baron of Whittier's followers are mainly of the Brujah clan this is hardly a disadvantage to them.
Before you get a chance to depart you are interrupted by Reuben Hart, the leader of Roach's Apostles gang. He seems unusually agitated. "Can we speak for a moment? it's a matter of some importance."
Michael explained that they also had important matters to deal with so he'd need to be brief.
"Mr West...err...'Roach'...is missing. Not one of the Apostles have seen him for over two weeks. I spoke to Vin's girl Sarah and they've had no contact either." Michael knew the Malkavian had a habit of wandering off but a fortnight without contact was unusual even for him. Michael could also tell that there was something else on the gang-leaders mind that he was hesitant to bring up. He was of course correct.
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Andrew Francis - Ghoul of Daniel Investigator |
Michael reassured him that as soon as their current problem was resolved that he's sort out his issues but he'd have to wait a couple of nights. Thinking about what he could do to help immediately he summoned Daniel to his office and asked if the Banu Haqim's ghoul investigator was busy. Daniel had only tasked him with the usual background checks and covert recon that he used to supplement his own files on potential enemies so let Michael know that he could spare him if needed.
"Roach has apparently gone missing. I need Andrew to assist Reuben in the search for him while we sort the more pressing issue of the Martinez meeting." Daniel made the arrangements necessary and then returned to his own preparations.
Though they had agreed that attendees of the meeting would be unarmed, the more combat orientated members of the coterie had no intention of making the journey itself weaponless and so the cars they were travelling in were now virtual armouries. Daniel arranged a route with Dion for their return journey in case it became necessary to leave in a hurry and stationed his ghoul Keith at an appropriate junction along with a sniper rifle to deter any potential pursuit.
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Keith Chang - Ghoul of Daniel Assassin |
Daniel taped a handgun beneath the drivers seat in his car, placed an assault rifle and his falcata in the trunk and discovered that Hope had also had the same idea and that it already contained a shotgun, a fire-axe and a pouch which contained half a dozen crudely carved but no doubt still effective stakes. Vin had his usual two-handed machete in it's harness and showed no signs of giving it up any time soon. Knowing full well that his people would be taking their own precautions Michael simply warned them that once they reached the meeting they were to enter unarmed as agreed and not to attempt any "Creative interpretations of the rules..."
Michael informed Gloria that they were on their way, As soon as their vehicles entered the domain of the Baron of Whittier they found themselves with an escort of cars and motorbikes. Evidently Miss Martinez was taking precautions of her own.
Scene Twenty Two - Whittier

As Vin passed the guard at the gate he drew his blade from it's scabbard and drove it a foot downwards through one of the fence posts. "I'll be back for that, don't fucking lose it..." he said to the biker who had taken three steps back as the coteries Brujah enforcer stared at him till they chose to look at their shoes instead of in his direction. Daniel had his doubts that any-one present but Vin would be able to remove the machete even if they wanted to. Hope smiled to herself at Vin's opening gambit, subtle he wasn't, but he did know how to make a point about who not to fuck with.
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Velme - Toreador Member of Gloria's 'Gang' |
An androgynous looking person appears at the bottom of a flight of stairs to the right of the entrance. "Gloria and the others are waiting..." they then turn and make their way upstairs.
Seeing no alternative now they were there the coterie followed their apparent escort upstairs.
The upstairs meeting room has several tables at one end and an unattended bar at the other. Gloria is already seated at one of the tables and several more are occupied by various others that you presume are also kindred. The androgynous individual has just put out a cigarette and has now moved to stand just behind miss Martinez left shoulder, the school teacher looking fellow who you also met at Maynard Finance is behind her on the right, he is however dressed somewhat more formally now than then. Both are watching you all intently as you enter.
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Gloria Martinez - Brujah Baron of Whittier |
"Vin may sit if he wishes..." said Michael with all the authority he could put into his voice "...Daniel and Hope can stand." Vin however chose to remain standing and panned across the assembled kindred making eye contact with each one and keeping it there just long enough to make the challenge obvious. Michael could see Vin's intimidation tactics but was relieved to note that he made no attempt to do so to Gloria Martinez and so let it go and started to offer her his explanations.
He explained that they had obligations with others of their kind that had put them in a position which made it necessary to locate some-one on their behalf. This tangled web of contacts, conspiracies and information had been unravelled by themselves and Mr Hertz who he explained was a freelance operator they'd bought in to help. Mr Hertz politely tipped his hat when his name was mentioned and this formal gesture seemed to lighten the mood of the debate if only momentarily.
He then went on to explain that they only knew of Yasmine's connection to Maynard Finance, not that she was there at the time. Once they were alerted to the approach of armed and unidentified attackers his concern had been for the safety of anyone within and had instructed his people to extract them if at all possible. If Yasmine had been there and as it turned out she was they had of course intended to interrogate her about what she knew.
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Downtown Los Angeles at Night |
Storytellers Note - Michael's players speech was a masterclass in blame-shifting, creative ordering of the facts with just enough buttering up of Gloria to get her onside. I therefore didn't make him roll dice to gain a positive reaction.
While they were having the debate the victim of Daniel's attack was attempting to stare him down before he noticed Vin observing him. His attempt to intimidate the coterie's enforcer failed utterly and he found himself looking away first. Michael observed this from the corner of his eye and also could see a brief moment of amusement, swiftly hidden, on Gloria's face as her own man was humbled. Evidently there was some internal gang politics at play that he was going to have to navigate along with the other issues already in play.
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The 'Fake' Yasmine Alvarado |
"Our prisoners interrogation has led us to some interesting conclusions of our own. The most important is that she is neither Ventrue, nor is she, despite her claims to the contrary, Miss Alvarado." "Mr Kaye will elaborate..." The man who you presume is the representative of House Ipsissimus steps forward. "Her blood confirms her clan conclusively as Brujah though she herself is convinced she is not. Her mind is a fractured mess. Some-one has systematically and callously turned her into a glove puppet with preset responses to situations. She has also seemingly been equipped with knowledge of trigger phrases implanted in contacts of the real Miss Alvarado as despite the acts of the three men at Maynard Finance this bogus Ventrue has no mind control abilities whatsoever."
Storytellers Note - The 'What the Fuck...' looks on my players faces at this point was particularly satisfying, I must admit.
"Is it beyond your abilities to put her mind back together again?" was the next question. The blood mage was reluctant to admit at first but had to eventually confess that such an act was beyond him. To further complicate matters the two foremost experts in mind-control within Los Angeles were Louis Fortier's childe Catherine Du Bois and the duskborn, Leanna who managed Marius Walker's considerable herd of blood dolls.
Catherine Du Bois and Leanna - Mind-Control 'Experts'
Unfortunately either of these would surely report the intrusion into their masters territories that any investigation would certainly reveal and so couldn't be consulted without considerable consequences to both Michael and Gloria. Miss Martinez then interjected. "Before we discuss our other discoveries we need to deal with the bad blood between our two baronies. Your man shot mine in the face after asking for a cease-fire, a cowards response I'm sure you would agree?"
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Jeremiah - Brujah Member of Gloria's 'Gang' |
Gloria then continued more or less as if Michael hadn't spoken at all. "Jeremiah has suggested that your impulsive follower be given a chance to prove himself a warrior rather than an opportunist, honour-less coward. Specifically he offers him a chance to redeem himself in single combat, without outside interference, the winner to decide the ultimate fate of the loser."
"Our basement area is sound-proof and equipped with a variety of weapons that Jeremiah and some of the others use to practice their abilities. Josie will escort you there and lock the door behind you, to use a movie reference, two men enter, one man leaves. Agreed?"
Daniel stepped forward and apologised for his actions as the Brujah sneered at his response. Seeing that the duel was inevitable he agreed to the terms. Before he left the room he gave Hope a hug as if to say goodbye but his real motivation was to whisper to her where the pistol was hidden in the car.
Scene Twenty Three - Duel
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Josie Parrish - Brujah |
Though Daniel lacked the powers of insight possessed by his baron he did have a knack for perceiving falsehood and he could see no sign from her that the information was a lie.
The basement room has a hardwood floor, sprung like that of a school gymnasium and a number of haphazardly repaired heavy bags hang along one wall from overly large chains. A number of cabinets containing various 'practice' martial arts weapons grace the opposite wall. Jeremiah reaches into one of the many sections and pulls out a large leather tool roll which he unfurls dramatically before removing a heavy bladed combat style knife, then hurling the roll a few feet to your right.

"Ready, motherfucker?" Before waiting for a response he hurls himself at you.
Prepared for the onslaught Daniel ducked beneath the swung blade and quickly span around so he was behind the impulsive Brujah. Before his enemy realised what was happening, Daniel sliced through the tendons at the back of their leg and then quickly leapt back avoiding another powerful but undisciplined swing.
Jeremiah healed his wounded limb and regained his footing but instead of a swinging blow he thrust the blade towards Daniel's heart. Blocking the blow at the forearm the Banu Haqim slid his hand along and grasped his opponents wrist and then drove his own knife down attempting to sever the knife wielding limb.
Jeremiah realised what was happening and pulled back though Daniel's downward strike still sliced almost all the way through the limb causing them to drop their heavy combat knife. As they backed away, using their vitae to heal the incapacitating wound, Daniel once again went for a crippling blow for the leg. Ready for a repeat of the earlier tactic this time the disarmed foe avoided the cut and knocked his opponent aside with a supernaturally enhanced back-handed blow.
On the back-foot for the first time he took a powerful blow to the floating ribs, feeling the bones break before unleashing a flurry of attacks of his own. Too close to avoid the blade of the highly skilled assassin he received a number of deep slashes across his torso which this time he seemingly lacked the vitae to heal.
Seeing that he had the upper hand he switched sides, feinted a high below and then for the second time crippled Jeremiah's leg. This time however he stepped back and lowered his weapon and drawing upon his knowledge of Brujah history appealed to his opponent to surrender, quoting significant figures from the clans history and using all the conversational skills he had to try to end the fight there and then as despite his enemies threats he did feel somewhat responsible for creating the situation in the first place.
Using what must have been nearly the last of the vitae within him the fallen Jeremiah knitted together the severed muscles of his leg, picked up his dropped blade and lunged at Daniel's heart. Realising he had done all he could to end this peacefully he avoided the desperate attack and drove his fangs into their throat and began to drink, and drink, first emptying their veins and then taking their soul. He felt his blood increase in potency as he took their essence. Fragments of knowledge of disciplines that the Banu Haqim previously knew nothing of began to become a part of him. He had little time to appreciate these new gifts as he grappled with the beast within in an attempt to stop the frenzy that the taste of vampiric Vitae often inflicted upon his clan. Once he was in control of himself he called for the waiting Josie to open the door and let him out of the ersatz arena.
Josie made no attempt to hide her pleasure at Jeremiah's final death despite their appearances seeming to indicate a family connection as she almost skipped past Daniel to his remains. As he watched her she removed a silver ring in the shape of a bird from within the ashes and threaded her necklace through it before tucking it beneath her top. "Family heirloom." Was all she said before indicating to the victor of the duel that he should head back to the meeting room.
Scene Twenty Four - The Missing
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Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah Enforcer 'Not Normally Very Chatty...' |
The look on Gloria's face clearly indicated to Michael that she doubted he had. "Can I have a word before you continue?" said Vin to Michael. He excused himself momentarily to see what the hulking enforcer had to say.
Vin had discovered from the other Brujah that Jeremiah was basically second in command behind Gloria and had his eye on the top job. As soon as they realised that he had met his final death they'd become far more open and had revealed to the intimidating Vin that he had maintained this position through blackmail, bribery and no small amount of bullying. He also had two habits that made him particularly unpopular, firstly he "played with his food" though in what way they wouldn't elaborate upon and that he treated his childe Josie like shit. She was also apparently his biological grand-daughter which explained the familiar appearances.
As violence was a way of life for most Anarchs in the Free States, Jeremiah must have been very unpleasant indeed to be so universally disliked. It was immediately apparent to Michael that they had been manipulated into removing a threat to Gloria's status as baron and a disruption to her gang. On a positive note it at least looked like there was unlikely to be any retaliation for Jeremiah's final death at Daniel's hand.
Gloria interrupted their conversation. "Well, well...it looks like you're driver isn't a coward after all...unless he stabbed him in the back I suppose?" "Not that it matters...let's move on..."
"Several hours after we discovered that our quarry was bogus we received a phone-call from what we can only presume is the 'real' Miss Alvarado. She requires her twenty seven million dollars returned to her, as insurance of our cooperation she has taken five children of important local individuals hostage. She assures us that when we return the money to her the location of the children will be transmitted to us. We of course don't believe the scheming bitch for one second but the attention that five kidnaps in one day will draw to my domain in the form of police, federal assistance and publicity is going to be inconvenient." "We are therefore obliged to at least attempt to fulfil her request."
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Mr Hertz's 'Unconventional Assistants' |
Mr Hertz was handed several folders, a note book, a palm-top computer and some random papers and receipts that he quickly began to sort. Much to the surprise of Gloria's gang a small horde of rodents emerged from his clothing to assist him sorting the documents. the coterie was of course used to this by now so barely even paid the act any attention at all.
"You're group has a reputation for fulfilling difficult tasks and have, if the rumours are to be believed assisted such luminaries as Louis Fortier, Gary Golden and every-ones favourite 'Fixer' Marius in various endeavours."
Michael confirmed that his people had indeed had some success in various projects for notable kindred within Los Angeles and that Gloria was fortunate because almost his entire team was currently present in the room. "We require the children to be found, you require the kidnapper and the money. Between us we have a greater chance of succeeding than as individual organisations. Additionally I can call in favours which will enable the missing money to be retrieved from Maynard Finance that you would be unable to access." Michael agreed to a joint operation, with the tasks split as Gloria had specified.
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Yasmine's Ventrue Brood |
Mr Hertz interrupted the debate with the news that the fake miss Alvarado had left a number of useful clues to specific locations she'd visited. He presumed that brainwashed as she was she had been unable to cover her trail very effectively and that the 'real' miss Alvarado probably intended her to be caught anyway as another distraction from herself. Specifically she had visited the Hoover Hotel, had a sales brochure for an abandoned farm in the agricultural community of East Whittier, brochures for a number of Spanish Colonial Revival homes in the area of the Whittier Historic Neighbourhood Association and inexplicably she also seemed to have acquired four burial spots in Rose Hills Memorial Park. Having no personal need for any of this information it seemed certain that these had been tasks connected with their true quarry. All the other information he had eliminated as useful though he had kept it just in case he was wrong.
The Hoover Hotel was a historic building restored as an affordable housing project and Mr Hertz quickly eliminated this as a hostage location as it housed mainly the elderly and five children would have stuck out like a sore thumb. It might be worth investigating if their target remained at large but was highly unlikely to be related to the current problem. The Nosferatu theorised that the burial spots were probable disposal sites but could be for any number of her enemies, not necessarily just the kidnapped kids. The farmhouse and empty homes were however far more viable targets.
As they were now allies, if only temporarily, Gloria indicated that the restriction on their weaponry was no longer in force and the coterie armed itself in preparation for what would hopefully be a final confrontation with their long sought after quarry.
Scene Twenty Five - A Process of Elimination
Hope shifted into raven form and headed towards the location of the farmhouse while the rest prepared to investigate the homes that there had been brochures for. Gloria nominated her Gangrel census taker Owen and the Brujah Josie to accompany Daniel and Vin in case they needed any back-up.
Hope did a loop of the area around the farmhouse and could see lights on in some of the rooms which seemed to indicate a presence within. Something however seemed 'off' about it to her and on closer inspection she could see no vehicles parked near to the building at all which aroused her suspicions. She therefore decided upon a closer look. It didn't take much observation for her to realise that the lights were on some kind of timer and were designed to give the illusion of movement within the home. A closer look through several windows confirmed her suspicions and she headed back to the pool hall.
With his usual systematic approach to problem solving Daniel had eliminated several of the homes as potential locations based on geographical issues, transport routes and a number of other factors before they even arrived. Unfortunately he was having trouble convincing Gloria's people to ignore the closest place to them currently and head to the place he deemed the most likely target until Vin chipped in. "He knows what he's doing and he's better at this shit than you so just do what he fucking says, okay?" It very obviously wasn't a question or something he was willing to debate so Owen and Josie caved in.
Storytellers Note - Daniel failed his Leadership test, then Vin passed his Intimidation one...by a lot...
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Josie Parrish - Brujah Ready for Action |
Once out of sight of the others Daniel activated abilities that would have raised suspicion about his true clan and faded from view. He could hear nothing from within using his supernatural senses and after careful examination for unusual wires or connections picked the garage doors lock and entered the building via the double garage. Once within he tested the internal door and finding it unlocked turned the handle. As he did so it occurred to him that he hadn't checked this door like he'd examined the first one and some instinct told him to move. As Daniel leapt aside, the door, doorway, a large chunk of wall and most of the rear garage wall disappeared as the claymore mine attached to the door detonated spectacularly.
Storytellers Note - I was a bit cruel here. He said "I open the door and look for traps..." rather than the other way round like he normally does...I decided to take his first statement as canon before he tried to change his mind...

The rest of the house was unfortunately empty and so they presumed that it was a temporary haven or perhaps a fallback position. The Gangrel informed them he could hear sirens and though none of the others could they took him at his word and got the hell out of there.
With his other operatives occupied, Michael rang his police contact and asked him to check out the graveyard for him alerting him to be careful as there might be some 'special' individuals there. Frank was well aware what that meant but agreed to go even if it was somewhat out of his jurisdiction as Michael had helped his career several times. He also made sure that cocaine and prostitutes were available to supply the corrupt officers other needs. It was a long shot so Michael didn't expect much when his phone rang an hour or so later. "Michael...about that anonymous tip..."
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Lieutenant Franklin Atkins - Ghoul |
Hope arrived in time to hear her Baron ringing up Daniel to let him know that their "Neighbourhood watch group" might want to look into "Vandals near the cemetery." He also informed him that it "Could be a long night so Vin might need to bring his razor." Once he had gotten his own people on the move he informed Gloria who lent him the androgynous individual who introduced themselves as Velme as she informed him that they would come in useful. Not sure what their talent was, Michael accepted the help and got Dion to drive him to meet Frank and rendezvous with the others. Daniel called Keith and asked him to intercept them on route and drop off his crossbow. If they were potentially dealing with five kindred willing to use children as leverage then he'd quite like an edge.
Mr Hertz meanwhile had sent them directions to the four plots that Yasmine or perhaps her substitute had purchased.
Scene Twenty Six - The Graveyard
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Dion - Michael's Driver Ghoul of Fiorenza Savona |
A number of plans were discussed but in the end their main problem was stealthily taking out the gate guard as the cemetery itself was going to be a killing ground if their enemy was prepared for their arrival. "I can distract the guard easily enough if you like." said Velme as if she had become interested all of a sudden. "Just stay out of sight till I'm done."
Michael could tell the signs of a person enraptured by the supernatural presence of another and the kindred guard was focused entirely on Velme to the exclusion of everything else as they walked over to them. Michael told the others they could make their move now as a marching band could go past and the kindred wouldn't notice. As they walked past the watchmen and through the gate that they had helpfully opened at Velme's request her fangs were deep within his throat.
As the last of the coterie and their allies entered the graveyard they stopped drinking, calmly drew a wicked looking knife that looked more like a sickle and lopped their head from their shoulders before following the rest in.
Hope's eyes began to glow oddly as her night vision became preternaturally acute. At her side Gloria's own scourge shape-changed into a large mastiff and bounded off ahead of them pursuing some scent apparently only he could detect. As he started to move, Hope used her own talents to speak to him in his animal form to tell him she was taking the opposite flank. Vin was moving with surprising stealth for one of his size and the Toreador was making no sound at all. Daniel noted the Toreador's abilities and like Michael began to wonder just what such an obviously talented kindred was doing pretending to be weaker than they were. That he reasoned was Gloria's problem anyway.
Hope was getting bored with the uneventful walk across the vast cemetery and her attention began to wander and therefore didn't notice the waiting assailant until the 5.56 caliber assault rifle rounds struck her in the chest.
Daniel hit the ground and combat rolled behind a nearby stone monument before trying to identify where the attacker was. A moment later, Owen in mastiff form struck the would be sniper in the chest and bit deeply into their throat as Hope leapt over the intervening gravestone and drove her claws deep into their chest. Seeing that his help was no longer needed the mastiff returned to it's original route and thus missed seeing Hope frenzy and diablerise the fallen Ventrue.
Storytellers Note - Two diablerie's in one session...sigh...
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Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah 'Machete at the Ready' |
Another enemy emerged from cover at close range and attempted to put a crossbow bolt through her heart. Before they could even raise their weapon Vin reached them and bisected them shoulder to hip with a two-handed blow from his razor edged machete.
Most of the rounds fired at Hope bounced off her resilient flesh and those that hit did only trivial damage. They were just attempting to reload their assault rifle as the fast-moving Gangrel tore them limb from limb in a totally unnecessary act of overkill.
By Daniel's count there should be only Yamine left now if she did one of the kidnappings herself or her and one other if she'd delegated the job. It turned out that it was the latter as a woman who most definitely wasn't Miss Alvarado rounded the corner of the SUV and aimed a shotgun at Daniel's head. As he drew his own weapon they fell back with a hole through the centre of their forehead and most of the back of the head missing effectively decapitated. The assassin turned to see the silently moving Toreador had used a single shot pistol to blow their brains out. Smiling enigmatically they joined the others as a second vehicle was revealed parked behind the one they'd initially observed. Daniel noted that it hadn't exactly been the best organised sweep and clear he'd ever seen, but at least the job was almost done.
Scene Twenty Seven - Alvarado At Last
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Daniel's Crossbow - Cobra RX Adder |
The unnatural resilience of her clan saved her again as the crossbow bolt failed to penetrate deep enough to send Hope into torpor despite Daniel's exceptionally accurate shot. His task complete, Daniel dropped the crossbow, switched to his M4 and fired a single shot at the head of the woman who had just asked him to shoot his ally. The round glanced of her forehead and Daniel swore at the thought that every vampire clan he shot lately seemed to be bulletproof. Both having the same idea simultaneously Hope and Daniel dived at the child abductor and they, her and the child all landed in an untidy heap.
Yasmine realised that the child was her only leverage and reached out to grab them as Vin sliced her arm off at mid bicep. The Banu Haqim grabbed a stake from Hope's harness and attempted to drive it thorough Yasmine's heart from the back only to have it glance off the bone. Untangling herself from the mass of bodies Hope was moments away from tearing the Ventrue's heart out as Vin saved her the effort and lopped the kidnapper and embezzlers head from their shoulders. Their only chance to save the remaining children was if the Yasmine's hostage knew where they were. Fortunately they did, unfortunately he pointed towards four freshly filled graves nearby as all present with the exception of Velme began to dig with their bare hands and in some cases claws.
Velme used her supernatural presence to lead the five traumatised children back to the car where Michael, his driver, the cop Frank and Josie were waiting. Gloria was informed of the rescue and arranged for her people to clean-up the scene of any evidence of kindred involvement while they briefed Frank of what had happened. A half convincing, if only vaguely plausible story was concocted to give him the credit for the heroic rescue that could be used once the children's memories were altered just enough to remove anything they might say that could draw the attention of the Second Inquisition.
Gloria assured them that the recovered money would be with them within the next few days and both barons agreed that their presence in Downtown would be kept between them. At least Fiorenza would be happy, or as close as she got at least.
To be Continued in 'Anathema' - Part One
In Conclusion
This was the finale of a story that went on a lot longer than I was expecting. Mainly because the players started to look for clues in directions I hadn't expected so extra scenes had to be added and then I expanded the scenario based on some of their paranoid conjecture.
The investigation parts went well though there were a lot more dead ends and red herrings in this one as with the addition of Mr Hertz there needed to be more for the investigators and researchers to do to contribute to the overall success (or failure) of the mission.
I was fairly happy with how this one went, now I need to prepare the next one...
I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order Michael Tomassio is represented by the actor Matt Bomer, Johnny 'Roach' West is quite obviously Kurt Cobain, 'Vin' is the actor Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Hope is Deborah Ann Woll, Marie is Eva Greene, Mr Hertz is Charles Dance, Andrew Francis is Ray Stephenson, Keith Chang is Daniel Dae Kim, Velme is a drawing by Anneli Larsson of Desire of the Endless, Gloria Martinez is Ariadne Artiles, Catherine Du Bois is Margot Robbie, Leanna is Leeanna Vamp, Jeremiah is Ralf Moeller, Josie Parrish is Rebecca Ferguson, Franklin Atkins is Michael Chiklis and Dion is Clark Gregg Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement...