Saturday 29 July 2017

Black Library - Newsletter

Some Black Library releases...

Black Library
App Store
Google Play
Scythes of the Emperor
Lord of Undeath
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. GW, Games Workshop, Black Library, The Horus Heresy, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternal and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Registered in England and Wales -  Company No. 01467092. VAT No. GB 580853421

Our mailing address is:

Warhammer Digital - Newsletter

For those of you who like your codices in digital form...

Warhammer Digital
Collector's Edition
Enhanced Edition
eBook Edition
Path to Glory
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. GW, Games Workshop, Black Library, The Horus Heresy, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternal and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Registered in England and Wales -  Company No. 01467092. VAT No. GB 580853421

Our mailing address is:

Games Workshop - Newsletter

The Repulsive Repulsor is unstoppable...apparently...though I have a few ideas about accomplishing just that myself...

Primaris Repulsor

Brute force and raw firepower

The Repulsor is unstoppable - repelling assaults with waves of gravitic force then returning fire with devastating hails of slugs, shells and las beams. Deliver your Primaris Space Marines where they're needed, then make sure they stay there.
Pre-order Now
Primaris Chaplain

Faith, Fear and Fury

Armed with a baroque crozius arcanum and advanced absolvor bolt pistol, the Primaris Chaplain drives the Space Marines to greater heights of heroism and hatred.
Pre-order Now
Primaris Apothecary

Defy death, or deliver it

The Primaris Apothecary is a true battlefield medic, treating grievous wounds and tending to the slain, or - armed with the armour-piercing reductor pistol - adding to their number.
Pre-order Now
Linebreaker Bombardment

Linebreaker Bombardment

This great value boxed set contains 3 Vindicators. On their own, each tank is capable of shattering tanks and infantry alike; combined, they can unleash a firestorm capable of sundering the heaviest of armour.
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Your monthly hobby update

August's White Dwarf is packed with great content - the return of Index Astartes, insights into the new Primaris Space Marines, the ultimate guide to the Traitor Legions, and some of the best art from the Mortal Realms with Illuminations.
Read More

Featured Products

Know No Fear

The best way to start Warhammer 40,000

Know No Fear contains everything you need to start playing Warhammer 40,000 - two armies of beautiful miniatures, rules to play them with, scenery to play them on, and more. There's even a guidebook to teach you how to play - all you need now is an opponent.
Shop Now
Path to Glory

Walk the Path to Glory

Play rich narrative campaigns and turn heroes and warbands into mighty generals at the head of powerful armies, gaining powerful abilities and units on the way. Choose from one of 20 factions and write your legend in the Mortal Realms.
Shop Now
Codex: Space Marines

Pick up Codex: Space Marines now!

Get your hands on the first codex of the new edition today, with Chapter Tactics, Stratagems, detailed background and awesome art.
Shop Now
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. GW, Games Workshop, Black Library, The Horus Heresy, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternal and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.

Games Workshop
Willow Road
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2WS
United Kingdom

Gav Thorpe - Newsletter

Another Gav Thorpe newsletter...

Fantasy Artwork from Gav's Website
In yesterday's email I mentioned that I'm planning on taking Big Stompy Robots to the Fools Daily Butterfly House at BonesCon in Birmingham next year. Here are a few extra details about the event, so you can plan it into your wargaming diaries.
I incorrectly referred to BonesCon as a successor to SmogCon - apparently they have a few of the same people running it, but it's a different convention.  What can I say - it was early and I hadn't had enough coffee.
Gav drinking a cup of tea
BonesCon Logo

What is BonesCon?

BonesCon is being held at the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham from February 16th-18th 2018.  Mike Marshall, who many of you know from the Fools Daily podcast, is planning on running the Butterfly House - an area dedicated to the smaller independent miniatures games (where Big Stompy Robots comes in). 
I'm hoping to have a set of rough print-and-play rules by then, so if you're signed up to the Big Stompy Robots Newsletter, you'll be able to take a look before you come and play.
"BonesCon is a three day American style wargaming convention.The show brings together gamers from across the spectrum of miniatures based games, with a range of events across the weekend.
Featuring competitive and causal play spaces, demo space, vendor hall, painting, board games and RPGs, the show should meet the needs and interests of all attendees."
I understand tickets will be available in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the official website and social media accounts for more details.

Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 3 - Kickstarter

Unsurprisingly this Kickstarter is doing rather well...

Where to Start?

We've eradicated eight Stretch Goals already. Here's the list!

Some things you may notice...

Yes folks, this was my most closely-held secret. Now the tale can be told. After all, it was me, Sandy, who actually INVENTED the concept of Investigators (Call of Cthulhu RPG, 1981).

Investigators are basically poisoned chalices (a bit like other units that hurt their controllers - Y’Golonac, Bokrug, the Servitors, or the Dark Demons). Each investigator is named, and has his own unique ability.

You earn an Investigator during the Doom phase (similar to the way you get Neutral Monsters). However, you always give that investigator to a player who doesn’t yet have one.

Each player can only be stuck with one investigator for a game. Each Investigator comes with his own unique ability, always harmful for the owner. And they have other skills which all work together as a mix. As we reveal more investigators over time, we will reveal more of their potential.

We've unlocked two Investigators already. There are four more to go!

We've been improving the contents of the Shaggai Map product, but made a big announcement you might like to know about: Anyone backing at the Yothan, Hound of Tindalos or Great Old One level will get the 6-8 Player Shaggai Map for FREE!

3mm Doom & Ritual Tracks!

This is another crazy thing we keep getting requests for. It is an Add-On right now for $15. Also, it is included in EVERY core game going forward (just like the die-cut Faction cards). We dislike multiple versions of the same item, at least for printed components, so all the new core games made from this Kickstarter will come with 3mm die cut Doom and Ritual Tracks. So, if you are at the Acolyte or Great Old One pledge level, you will get this for free, right now, no add-on needed.

Everyone else, it is an optional add on for $15.

To be clear, Cthulhu Wars core games will no longer come with the thinner, cardstock Doom and Ritual Tracks - we will not offer them as an add-on, and will never reprint them.

Dire Azathoth!?!

So... we had the idea last week, to add a new really neat thing to the campaign, based on your feedback. Everyone loved Dire Cthulhu. SO... I started brooding on Dire Azathoth. Why? Well, even as I was concerned that our former Cthulhu was so svelte, I was never fully happy with our Azathoth. For me (I realize this is subjective) Azathoth was one of our weaker Great Old One designs. He looks a little too much like a fatter Nyarlathotep, or maybe an interstellar starfish. He certainly doesn't (to me) seem to be literally the most terrifying entity in the universe. So a new Azathoth seemed like a good idea, IF we could fund it. Since it would be a large, detailed, and expensive figure, this was tough to figure out.

Anyway, this week Kent Hamilton (our Onslaught 3 artist) was visiting me – (we were actually discussing a future project), and I broached the subject of Dire Azathoth to him. He loved it and we started beating our brains out on what this entity should look like. He has already begun! We have a sculptor lined up (one of our best) and we are going to have this puppy put together and good to go by the end of the campaign (because we don't want to violate our China-ready ideal).

Anyway, we are really proud of what this looks like, and I'm excited to improve upon a sculpt that now might be an "earlier stage" of Azathoth's development. However, Petersen Games has a confession to make. We did not plan for, nor allow for, the construction of this impressive new model (it's big, too – one of my issues with the old Azathoth model was that it was only middling in size). So how could we handle the cost? It became even harder, because we had just made the decision to add the gigantic $30 6-8 Player Shaggai map to most pledge levels (Yothan, Hound of Tindalos and Great Old One), unexpectedly. Again this was done at your feedback. You the backers talked us into it. But it takes a bite out of our budget. Don't get me wrong – I'm not complaining, and we were happy to make y'all happy. But it was an unforeseen part of the campaign.

It turns out that the only way we can do Dire Azathoth is if it is an add-on, instead of a stretch goal. So, it is NOT included in anyone's pledge. To get the new Dire Azathoth, just increase the amount of your pledge by $15.

The good news is this. We were able to discount it significantly from the eventual retail price. (Thus, we're only charging $15 for it instead of $25.) Yes this cuts into our bottom line, but you're worth it. The other good news is that since it's NOT a stretch goal, we don't have to wait for it to fund. We can make it available right away! That's exciting to me, at least.

The other good news is that you can watch Kent Hamilton create this masterwork as he does it. He may even be streaming his creative process at some point.
Onslaught 3
Copyright © 2017 Petersen Games, All rights reserved. 

Raging Heroes - War Stages Kickstarter

It's actually a lot less than 24 hours now...

20% off your entire Raging Heroes' order

Here's just a little reminder that the Kickstarter is launching tomorrow!


WARSTAGES: THE Scenery System
you've been waiting for!

  • Modular as LEGO
  • Epic as a Movie Set

  • So Flexible that you can go from Super Massive Battles to Skirmishes, even RPG, and everything in between!

  • Coming on Kickstarter TOMORROW!

Want to know more? All the details and lots more images here.

Don't miss the launch this SATURDAY JULY 29th - 6PM (Paris time) and the Early Birds offersfollow us on Kickstarter (make sure you enable our notifications) and you'll know the minute we launch!

Note: If you've also subscribed to our special WarStages newsletter, I am very sorry to inconvenience you with this extra message. The WarStages newsletter is and will come out much more frequently during the Kickstarter campaign, whereas this general newsletter simply follows the whole of Raging Heroes' activity (new releases, promo, special events) and comes out much less frequently.
We are taking over the internet! Find us in all the right places...
Copyright © 2017 MFBG Productions SARL, All rights reserved.
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