As mentioned previously I'm sneaking into the breach to steal some soul stones...which translates as 'Is starting Malifaux'.
Like most people in this hobby my starting model choices were based on the highly scientific 'they look cool' method of unit selection. Though all the different factions have their own unique flavour and nice model selection, I went for the Resurrectionists. This may have had something to do with Diablo 3 not having a Necromancer character so I was unable to get my 'raising the dead' fix...
...and dead hookers appeal to me...
The Redchappel Gang was one of the cheapest sets for some reason. The models were well packed and all parts were present and correct. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the kit also contained stat cards for every model.
'Flash' was minimal and mould lines were limited to the inevitable one that runs around the outside of virtually every model ever produced, lol. Some of the accessories for the dead hookers were a bit fiddly to attach due to the small contact area but nothing that can't be overcome by the traditional method of 'hold together with fingers till superglue goes off'. If you can avoid glueing your fingers to the model then that's a nice bonus. I pinned Seamus's hand to his bag as it just wouldn't stay together otherwise and one of the models didn't quite fit the slot in the base, but these are relatively minor gripes that I mention only for the purposes of completeness ;-)
Assembled. |
Based. |
Under-coated Black. |
After some consideration I decided that a white under-coat would be better. I only applied it lightly and the effect was actually better than if I'd have started off with the white alone.
I then did the skin colour and added a wash before adding a lighter layer of dry-brushed on colour.
Seamus then got a bit more colour and the whores got a couple of layers of black wash just to see how it would look. I'm now tempted to keep the primary 'colour' for them as this grimy grey and use colour on the trim and accessories only.
That's as far as I've got so far.
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.