We'll be fighting over a number of planets in the system. There's also a partially revised allies chart, which makes sense as the rulebook one is frankly preposterous. It's going to be starting at 1000 points games and then moving onto higher points values over the coming weeks. Though my interest in 40K has waned considerably I think I can probably deal with it at the lower points values. The lists require back stories and certain of the 'cheesier' lists have been vetoed which should make the games as fair as possible. I pointed out at the beginning that it was possible to create 'Broken' armies that were technically still 'Fluffy' using certain armies (Necrons, Grey Knights, etc.) but I'm assured that a giant hammer of banning exists in order to prevent this from happening...
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"Where's that Necron player then???" |
The Dauntless Class Light Cruiser 'Darkspear' and it's pair of Escorts entered the system via an almost unknown route far from the most highly populated and patrolled areas of the Damocles Gulf. Heavily modified to suit the needs of the Night Reapers Chapter after their 'acquisition' in previous campaigns it bared little resemblance internally to the vessel it once was. Launch bays for the strike forces Thunderhawks had been added as well as several drop pod bays together with the training rooms and armouries required by a Space Marine force to maintain it's fighting edge.
The Night Reapers Chapter had received word through their network of spies and agents that a surprising number of different forces were already either in the system or were on route. Several other Marine Chapters and Imperial Guard units were defending the interests of the Imperium, while Chaos forces had also been detected, the Tau were obviously there and hive ships of one of the larger hive fleets were already seeding the outer worlds...with such a variety of interested parties in system it would be a prime opportunity for the acquiring of tactical information and resources. Their mission, though unusual for most Chapters was standard operating procedure for the Night Reapers. Namely, see if there's any benefit to us in getting involved, take anything of use and then get out before any-one can retaliate...they'd been operating in such a manner since their creation at the 2nd Founding and they'd become very proficient at it....
The Librarian in command viewed the initial landing force for their initial recon of the landing site. Three Combat Squads led by more experienced Marines mounted in Transport vehicles would scout the area while a pair of units armed with heavy weaponry would secure the landing site. These heavier units had transports of their own should they need to rapidly withdraw for any reason. The rest of the force would be held in reserve should there be anything substantial worth acquiring in the system...
The chief tactical officer from the bridge entered the loading bay at a run.
"Sorry to interrupt your preparations sir...but there's a problem with the landing site you selected..."
"What, exactly is the problem?" stated the Librarian "The ground is ideal for a temporary base of operation, is within range of several viable targets and is tactically sound..."
"Yes, I know..." interrupted the tactical officer "The Tau seem to have had the same idea...there's already a small force setting up camp there..."
"How large a force?" asked the Librarian, while making a mental note to have the bridge officer executed at a convenient later date for interrupting him mid sentence "and be specif..."
"Some troops, a transport or two, some kind of flying scouting vessel..." The officers briefing was interrupted by a an explosion of flesh and brain matter as the bolt round that had just entered his brain via his forehead detonated messily inside...
"We'll just have to go and take it from them then, I suppose" said the Librarian with a sigh "and some-one tell the chief tactical officers second in command that he's just been promoted..."
1000 Pts - Night Reapers 'Counts-As' Space Wolves - Take and Hold Configuration
HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 100 pts) (Warlord)
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour @ 100 pts (Storm Caller; Tempest's Wrath or possibly Living Lightning)
Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (3#, 69 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 69 pts (Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 190 pts)
4 Long Fangs Pack @ 190 pts (Missile Launcher x4; Razorback)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 190 pts)
4 Long Fangs Pack @ 190 pts (Missile Launcher x4; Razorback)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Total Roster Cost: 999
This army gives me a mix of everything I need so I can stand a chance against most things. I have plenty of Plasma to deal with the inevitable Dark Angel and Grey Knight Terminators, Flamers and Bolters to deal with light infantry and a few (always useful) multi purpose Missile Launchers. I've included a few Melta weapons so I have a vague chance of killing a heavy vehicle if I absolutely have to.
Given the ease with which light vehicles can now be torrented to death I don't think the number of Razorbacks is a balance issue for any opponent I might have. A large horde or any army with more than a couple of heavily armoured vehicles will probably kick my ass but it's difficult to build a balanced force at 1750 or 2000 points let alone at 1000...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
sounds good and looks great.
ReplyDeleteLong time reader and lurker. I'm not sure 5 TL plasma guns is lots, although I guess at 1k the most 2+ saves you're likely to face is around 15 Terminators.
ReplyDeletePersonally I'd replace the flamers with plasma guns and switch the LasPlas to HvyBolter 'backs - slightly less plasma, greater anti-infantry and saves you 145, which could get you a plasma cannon dreadnought if you're worried about 2+ saves, or a rifle dread for better AV. You'd still be worse off against AV13+ because you'd be down the 5 LC but by that point I'd normally be looking at using melta anyway. Although if you're needing the S9 LCs you're wasting the TL plasma /shrugs
Just my 2p worth, and obviously doesn't take into account your current model collection so may not apply. A nice, compact list :)
All good suggestions. I'll have a think about it...