Warlord Games usual mid-week newsletter...
King Tiger Tutorial: The War Gamer shows you how to paint a late war King Tiger!
Podcast: The Cast Dice discuss The Road To Berlin, our new campaign book in their latest podcast episode!
The Nexus & Bounty Hunters!: The Nexus is an excellent repository for Antares data about the universe. Plus we have details on bounty hunters with a new PDF!
The Nexus & Hükk!: What is the Nexus? plus we reveal the new bounty hunter...Hükk!
Magnetise Antares: Rocky shows how you can magnetise the Brood Mother and Liberator!
Doctor Who Preview: Brian at SciFind shares an exclusive preview of what is coming for Exterminate...
Archery Conversion: Dave from Splayed Paintbrush has done a superb Ashigaru Archery Sergeant Conversion!
Saga - Gaming in the Dark Age Period: This period of history was an age of warfare that saw mighty warlords struggle for power, wealth and glory!
Warlord HQ events now live! The dates are set and tickets are now available for 2 of our key 2018 HQ events: |
Warlord Open Day: 23rd June.
Bolt Action Grand Tournament: 24th-25th November.
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