Hi there, In this week’s newsletter we’re hot on the heels of the brand new Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with Imperial Armour Aeronautica, a book that covers our entire range of flyers and anti-aircraft units. We’ve also got a set of updates available to download that allow you to field all your Forge World models in the new edition – read on for more!
Imperial Armour Aeronautica A brand new Forge World supplement book for Warhammer 40,000, Imperial Armour Aeronautica, written by Neil Wylie, contains fully updated 6th Edition rules for 34 flyers and 13 anti-aircraft units fielded by the Imperial Navy, Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Tau Empire, Necrons, Dark Eldar and Chaos. These include complete rules for two brand new aircraft: the Space Marine Storm Eagle Assault Gunship and the Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter.
In addition to the vehicle data sheets this book also provides you with the wargear and special rules unique to the terrifying airborne war engines of the 41st Millennium. Alongside these is a new narrative campaign, the Scourging of Kerrack, which provides six new missions specifically designed to incorporate aerial combat into your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Apocalypse, including detailed rules for developing Ace pilots over the course of the campaign. Also included is an Apocalypse rules appendix, updated for the 6th edition of Warhammer 40,000.
This 112-page, full colour, hardback book is lavishly illustrated with photographs and line drawings as well as campaign maps, and it is an indispensible reference for our full range of flyers and anti-aircraft units. Imperial Armour Aeronautica is available to pre-order now for despatch from 27th July.
Forge World 6th Edition Rules Updates The Imperial Armour team have been hard at work over the past week, compiling a set of PDF updates that allow our full range of models to be used in games of 6th edition Warhammer 40,000.
The first of these updates, which cover Warhammer 40,000 vehicles, and Apocalypse units are available to download now from our website. We are also excited to announce that experimental rules for the Spartan Assault Tank are now available to download as well. If you have any queries about Imperial Armour rules, army lists or units, please send an e-mail entitled 'Imperial Armour rules query' to forgeworld@gwplc.com, including examples of how the situation has arisen in play. You can also call 0115 900 4995 within the UK, 011 44 115 900 4995 from the US and Canada or 00 44 115 900 4995 from much of Europe
Forge World Events NewsOn Saturday 28th July, we’ll be making our way to the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, IL for Games Day North America. For this event our intrepid team will be joined by writer Alan Bligh and miniatures designer Phil Stutcinskas. Alan will be holding some Q and A sessions on the day – spaces will be limited so be sure to get there early! We’ll be bringing you more details on these exclusive sessions in the coming weeks.
As always we will be bringing a wide selection of our range of resin kits, modelling supplies and books, and we’re now accepting reservation orders for this event. A reservation order is the best way to ensure that we will have the exact products that you want, packed and waiting for you to collect. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail to forgeworld@gwplc.com titled ‘Games Day Germany Reservation’. We will require your full name, a contact telephone number and the list of kits you’d like to order.Alternatively you can telephone the Forge World customer service team on 00 44 115 900 4995, and you can also place your reservation order with GW Germany Customer Service directly, by telephoning 049 211 540 2222. We must receive your reservation orders by Friday July 27th for Games Day Germany.
In the week before the event we will send you a confirmation e-mail that will contain your order number, details of any items that we will be unable to supply, and a total price in Euros that will be payable on the day.
Games Day Spain Thanks to everyone who came to see us in Barcelona last weekend for Games Day Spain. We were especially appreciative of the British weather laid on to make us feel at home, and Mark Bedford had a fiendishly difficult time picking a winner for the Forge World Best in Show trophy. Eventually he chose Michel Adinarayanin's fantastic Contemptor vs Decimator diorama. Warhammer Forge were represented in the prestigious Slayer Sword winner as well - as you can see here, Pablo López's fantastic Marienburg Land Ship and Savage Orc Diorama was a worthy winner.
Thanks, Ead Brown Customer Service Manager Forge World
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