Never let it be said that I'm unwilling to help those in long as they need something easy that I would probably have done myself anyway at some point. This post comes due to an in-depth conversation about the nature of the Chaos Codex, how it interacts with other codices and the relative benefits of Terminator Squads...
...okay...that's a complete actually went like this...
Adam at our FLGS - "Build me a list with thirty or so Chaos Terminators in it!!!"
Me - "Okay then..."
...and then we went on a quest to destroy evil robots that were about to weaken humanity before their alien masters enslaved us with their insidious mind control powers....okay maybe that didn't happen either...
First we'll get the HQ out of the way.
1 Sorcerer, 60 pts (Bolt Pistol; Force Sword; Warlord)
Well that bit was easy...onto the Terminators...
I have a few Terminators myself come to think of it... |
We'll take squads of ten so that's 312 points a unit just for the guys and we'll need at least one Chainfist at an additional 12 points making 324. As 6th Edition Power weapons are basically 'as the model is equipped' I'd divide the weapons between Power Axes and Power Mauls. The ratio will depend on what you have available I suppose but personally I'd just go with four of one (Mauls) and five of the other (Axes). Opinion generally differs wildly on what's optimal equipment for units but I'm of the 'keep it cheap' school of design. I've optimised lists for people in the past and have ended up buying one, two or sometimes three or more units with the points I've saved by removing pointless unit add-ons ;-)
9 Chaos Terminators, 324 pts (Power Axe x4; Power Maul x4; Chainfist x1)
1 Terminator Champion (Combi-Boltgun; Power Axe)
9 Chaos Terminators, 324 pts (Power Axe x4; Power Maul x4; Chainfist x1)
1 Terminator Champion (Combi-Boltgun; Power Sword)
9 Chaos Terminators, 324 pts (Power Axe x4; Power Maul x4; Chainfist x1)
1 Terminator Champion (Combi-Boltgun; Power Sword)
We've now spent 972 points on Terminators and 60 on our HQ (Lol) bringing us to 1032 spent. We'll need some troops now and as we can use allies to get some cheap scoring units we'll just take the minimum two units of Chaos Cultists...
9 Chaos Cultists, 50 pts
1 Cultist Champion
9 Chaos Cultists, 50 pts
1 Cultist Champion
Bringing our Chaos contingent to 1132 points so far.
We are probably going to need to counter enemy fliers at some point and this is where the choices start.
If we're bringing in our primary scoring units from the Imperial Guard Codex (which we are) then we can take a Valk or Vendetta to supplement a couple of Heldrakes from the Primary Codex (Chaos Space Marines). The only real difference this makes is how many points you have to spend on Imperial Guardsmen as both Chaos and Imperial Guard Flyers are decent units.
At 2000 points I'd* take three Heldrakes and as many Guardsmen as you can afford after you buy them their mandatory cheap HQ. I suppose there's no reason why you couldn't swap some weapons on a Valk and have them 'count-as' Heldrakes and/or just use cultists (appropriately equipped) to represent the original guardsmen in order to tie the theme together as a Chaos force or go down the 'Traitor Guard' path.
*If they were reasonably priced, I actually liked the look of them or I was under any illusion that they won't suddenly become useless some time in the future when the next Chaos Codex lands...
Three Heldrakes cost 510 points...
1 Heldrake, 170 pts
1 Heldrake, 170 pts
1 Heldrake, 170 pts
![]() |
If they looked like this I might have bought a couple... |
...which at 2000 points would leave enough remaining for fifty or so Guardsmen unequipped or forty or so if your giving them and their Command Squad some gear. Tactics are pretty self explanatory, Terminators advance, air-force arrives and the Guardsmen take objectives while the Terminators and Heldrakes destroy the enemy army...hopefully....
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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