All sarcasm aside, It is a nice model as a centrepiece for a Necron army...if Necrons are your thing that is ;-)
Forge World Newsletter #336
Hi there,
With the upcoming release of our new Imperial Armour book, this week’s newsletter has some great news for Necron players; a stunning new kit and a unique Realm of Battle tile are now available to pre-order. Read on for more!
With the upcoming release of our new Imperial Armour book, this week’s newsletter has some great news for Necron players; a stunning new kit and a unique Realm of Battle tile are now available to pre-order. Read on for more!
Necron Night Shroud Bomber
The Night Shroud is a dedicated bomber that is larger than the more numerous Night Scythe and Doom Scythe craft, alongside which it operates, whose origins date back countless aeons to the lost battles of the War in Heaven.
The Night Shroud was built to carry a relic of that ancient and apocalyptic conflict, so-called Death Spheres, containment vessels that imprison the merest fragment of anti-matter. The Death Sphere's potent warhead is kept out of phase with the material universe until the sphere detonates, when it unleashes an energy blast capable of annihilating anything it touches.
The Necron Night Shroud Bomber, designed by Daren Parrwood, is an imposing battlefield presence. This complete resin and plastic kit is packed with detail, and its sinister, elongated profile makes for an impressive centrepiece or painting project for any Necrons collection. Full rules and background for this construct will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour – Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus.
Realm of Battle Necron Tomb Citadel
The stasis-crypts of the Necrons are protected by great defensive structures; near-impregnable fortifications designed to stand against the ravages of eternity, hostile action and deadly environments. Tomb Citadels often stand on the outermost borders of a wider complex. They act as watchtowers and outposts that are often the merest tip of the iceberg; the fathomless depths of silent galleries and stasis-chambers that make up the nameless cities of the Necrons extending far below them.
A Tomb Citadel is far more than an inert relic of strange aeons past, however. Each is a near-living war machine in its own right, and Imperial combat records record these brutish structures rising from the very earth, or phasing strangely into existence in the midst of a Necron assault. If not quickly destroyed, these dread ziggurats will form a beachhead from which the undying legions pour forth to destroy their foes.
The Realm of Battle Necron Tomb Citadel, designed by Blake Spence, is a 2' x 2' (609mm x 609mm) tile which can fit onto a Citadel Realm of Battle board. Packed with detail, the stepped levels of the Tomb Citadel allow infantry and vehicles to be placed and moved upon it, and multiple tiles can be fitted together to create larger fortifications and complexes. The narrow passages between the monolithic structures and the vantage points gained from the higher levels can make for a tense and exciting game.
Full rules and background for this construct will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour – Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus.
Both of these fantastic new releases are available to pre-order now for despatch from Friday 5th April.
Forge World Events News
Forge World Open Day, 7th April, Warhammer World, Nottingham
Sunday 7th April will see Forge World and Warhammer Forge abandon our top-secret Manufactorum for our annual Open Day.
Forge World Open Day, 7th April, Warhammer World, Nottingham
Sunday 7th April will see Forge World and Warhammer Forge abandon our top-secret Manufactorum for our annual Open Day.
Tickets are selling incredibly fast and we have already sold over three-quarters of the available places, so don’t miss out! Open Day tickets are exclusively available to purchase from the Forge World website, and you can find more information this exciting event at the Open Day events page.
The Forge World Open Day will allow you to meet our entire studio team of sculptors, designers, painters and artists, marvel at incredible display boards and see work-in-progress models, artwork and books.Our sales stand will be packed with modelling products, books and resin kits, and the Open Day will be the first chance for you to get hold of our Event Only models for 2013...
Event Reservation Orders
Forge World Open Day and Salute 2013
We are now accepting reservation orders for the Forge World Open Day and Salute. This is the best way to ensure we have the exact product you want, packed up and waiting for you at the event. As with all our UK shows, Open Day and Salute reservation orders are pre-paid to make the collection process quicker and easier, leaving you with more time to enjoy the rest of the event.
Forge World Open Day and Salute 2013
We are now accepting reservation orders for the Forge World Open Day and Salute. This is the best way to ensure we have the exact product you want, packed up and waiting for you at the event. As with all our UK shows, Open Day and Salute reservation orders are pre-paid to make the collection process quicker and easier, leaving you with more time to enjoy the rest of the event.
Please telephone the Customer Service team on 0115 900 4995 to place a reservation order. We will require your name, a contact telephone number and e-mail address, along with the list of products you wish to reserve and for which event, and you will also need your card details to hand too. We’ll process the payment while you are on the phone, and in the week before the event you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail containing your order number. This is your proof of payment and you must bring this e-mail with you to claim your order.
AdeptiCon 2013, 18th - 21st April, Westin Lombard Yorktown Center, Chicago
Forge World will again be attending AdeptiCon this year, and we are now accepting reservation orders for this popular event. While we will be bringing a huge selection of our range of books, resin kits and modelling products, placing a reservation order is the best way to ensure that we have exactly what you want packed up and waiting for you at the show.
Forge World will again be attending AdeptiCon this year, and we are now accepting reservation orders for this popular event. While we will be bringing a huge selection of our range of books, resin kits and modelling products, placing a reservation order is the best way to ensure that we have exactly what you want packed up and waiting for you at the show.
You can either telephone us on 011 44 115 900 4995, or send an e-mail entitled ‘AdeptiCon 2013 Reservation’ to We will need your name, a list of the items that you wish to order, and a contact e-mail address by Thursday 28th March.
In the week prior to the event, we will send you a confirmation e-mail containing your order number, details of any items that are unavailable, and a total cost in US$ (less local sales tax) that will be payable at the event.
Ead Brown
Customer Service Manager
Forge World
Ead Brown
Customer Service Manager
Forge World
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