Some 'Beyond the Gates of Antares' news from Warlord Games...
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By integrating yourself with the machine you will be the first to find out everything there is to know about Beyond the Gates of Antares by Rick Priestley.
This week, we have the second installment of Tim Bancroft's 'Refurbished' tale - as well as an update from the Warlord design studio!
With articles published weekly in our IMTel Newsletters as well as the Wednesday and Friday editions of the Warlord Newsletter, we try to cover as broader spectrum of content as is possible...
We're helped massively by the community's activity - whether it be photos of your painted models, battle reports, or creative writing pieces...
If you've not yet joined the official Antares Facebook Group, it's a thriving community sharing ideas, questions, thoughts, and input!
We were particularly impressed with the writings of Tim Bancroft - who has sent in a number of pieces - here is the second part of his tale 'Refurbished' |
If you missed part one, it can be found here |
This weekend also saw an update from Paul Sawyer, head of the Warlord Design Studio - explaining what's currently being worked upon;
"Russ has been working on concepts for a new Algoryn character to be introduced in the first supplement. No more details than that yet though! Work also continues on the renders for the plastic Algoryn...
Wojtek, despite toothache, has soldiered on to do more work on the Boromite Broodmother as well as crews for the Isorian Plasma Cannon. Work has started on Boromite crews for the frag borer, mag cannon and mag heavy support.
Steve is sculpting a new Freeborn character - he will be incorporated into the upcoming supplement. Staying with the Freeborn theme Steve is also working on new crew figures - this time for the fractal cannon.
Andres has today finished painting the Ghar Command Walker - wait till you see this next week! Next he turns his attention to the Boromite Matriarch set as well as some Bolt Action figures...
Other than briefly on Monday we've not see Rick - no doubt he's cloistered in his office writing the next supplement for Antares sustained only by intravenous tea..." |
Contents of the the Launch Edition starter boxed game are as follows...
- Full colour 260-page hardback rulebook.
- Quick reference sheet.
- Getting started booklet.
- 3 multi-pose plastic Ghar Battle Squad walkers.
- 3 multi pose plastic Ghar Assault Squad walkers.
- 20 multi-pose plastic Concord Strike Troopers.
- 4 plastic Concord support drones.
- 8 plastic spotter drones.
- Strike Leader Kai Lek Atastrin metal figure.
- 12 order dice.
- Ghar distort dice.
- 13 Polyhedral dice.
- Launch Edition plastic templates and tokens.
- 12 red plastic pin markers.
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