Warpath from Mantic Games is back...
And finally here we are – more than five years since its first appearance, the Warpath universe is back – and oh my, has it had some work!
Since its first stuttering appearance we have been slowly but surely populating the Warpath Universe. Right after I lauched the first Warpath I vowed to myself we would not do it again until we could do it properly. This meant we needed numerous armies (with a host of units for each) and vehicles (because what is a sci-fi battle game without vehicles – nothing, that’s what).
So instead we started building slowly. From Project Pandora, through to DreadBall we kept adding more and more layers. New races, new characters and new storylines, even the sports they play – both the live-vid-streamed high production Arena version and the hardcore, violent underground game – have come into being.
Find out more about the exciting story behind Warpath in our new trailer! |
But the universe really started to come alive when Deadzones started appearing all across the galaxy. We had the buildings to create the outposts and cities they battled over, and small gangs of elite troops battling across Plague-infected planets. Then later this year we will be breaking into a tiny laboratory on a remote planet to find out what evil has been perpetrated in its darkest corners.
But finally, after many hundreds of hours of playtesting, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of tooling (made possible by the fantastic and generous Kickstarter backers) Warpath is here – and it has it all!
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