Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Warlord Games Newsletter

Warlord Games Wednesday Newsletter...

Welcome to the Warlord Games Wednesday Newsletter, featuring all this week's hobby activity and latest articles.

Bolt Action Update!

Alessio Cavatore has been listening hard to the Bolt Action community, the Bolt Action Second Edition FAQ is now ready to download:

Step by Step:

Bryan Cook yet again astonishes us with his painting and drops a few words of wisdom on the new Australian Commandos.
Warlorder RichC builds the Bolt Action Sherman Vc Firefly plastic tank on the Warlord Workbench! These videos are an introduction to fast & effective techniques, tips and more for those who are just starting out on the battlefield!

Conversion Craziness

Andy Singleton investigates how to go about converting the crew of the Hanomag into more dynamic poses!

English Civil War

Parliamentarians and Royalists wage war for the right to govern England! Yet again...Learn about the second and third English civil war!

Test Of Honour

FAQ, Optional Rules + Video Library!

Warlorder Graham Davey has been carefully listening to all of your questions and feedback about Test of Honour, so here's the first official FAQ update!
Also, in case any of you haven't seen our Test of Honour video series, all the videos that we've done have been rolled in to one convenient place:
While most of us have only just recovered from our first few samurai skirmishes, Graham Davey is treating us with some extra optional rules to try out in Test of Honour:
The lads at Tabletop Games came down to try Test of Honour at the Warlord HQ store. They immediately set of home to gather their forces, take a look at their article as they delve into the recruitment system!

Coming Soon!

Ending This Weekend!

Local Store Highlight:

There should always a piece of Warlord in all hobby shops around the world, here's Maxi Rêves located in Abbeville France...

Warlord HQ Facebook!

Alongside our normal Facebook page, we also created a Facebook page dedicated to the HQ store! If you'd like to drop us a message that you're popping in, or to even say hi, please do so!
Now that we have a breather, we thought we should tell you guys what events we have planned here at Warlord HQ so you can pencil those dates in on your calendar!
If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

Warlord Games
T13/T15 Technology Wing - The Howitt Building
Lenton Business Centre - Lenton Boulevard
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2BD
United Kingdom
Copyright © 2017 Warlord Games, All rights reserved.

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