Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Not a Weekly House of Paincakes Article (4)

This is my week off from House of Paincakes article writing but the other authors are certain to have written something equally awesome so go and have a look.

If you really want something to read then there's new game intros in the 'Introduction to...' section, and some new unboxing articles in here as well as Newsletters from Wyrd Miniatures, Hasslefree Miniatures, Fantasy Flight Games, Mantic GamesForge World and the new Forge World Blog to look at.

The Wednesday gallery this week will have a snow theme for no better reason than it briefly snowed where I live but chose to do so while I was asleep (night shifts aren't great for your body clock) and had been washed away by the rain before I awoke.

As usual if Gothic dressed women in snow scenes don't interest you then just don't scroll down.....






Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome...they can even be on one of the articles if you wish...

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