This guy doesn't need much tweaking to make him viable, but to be honest I didn't really know how powerful I should make the 'Destroyer Hive' ability.
Editors Note : I've completely rewritten 'Destroyer Hive' as my first attempt sucked.
Typhus - 225 points
WS 5, BS 5, S 4, T 5, W 4, I 5, A 3, Ld 10, Save 2+
Unit Type - Infantry (Unique)
Number/Squad - 1
- Terminator Armour
- Manreaper *
- Personal Icon
- Greater Mark of Nurgle
* Manreaper - The Manreaper is a gigantic scythe that counts as both a Daemon Weapon and a Force Weapon and gains all the benefits of both. In addition the Manreaper counts as poisoned (2+)
Special Rules
- Fearless
- Eternal Warrior
- Independent Character
- Feel No Pain
- Aura of Pestilence **
- Destroyer Hive ***
- Herald of Nurgle ****
Psychic Powers
- Nurgles Rot
- Breath of Chaos
** Aura of Pestilence - Typhus Counts as being armed with both Assault and Defensive Grenades.
*** Destroyer Hive - Typhus's body is host to a horrific plague that manifests itself as a swarm of insects that pour from the cracks and vents in his armour- Once per game Typhus can unleash the Destroyer Hive with the following effect. All non vehicle units and units in transport vehicles that count as open topped within 14" of Typhus take D6+1 automatic hits at S2 (roll for each unit effected individually). These hits ignore both armour and cover saves (invulnerable saves may be taken as normal).
**** Herald of Nurgle - Typhus may use both his psychic powers and his Force Weapon in the same turn, He automatically passes his psychic tests for his psychic powers but must roll for his Force Weapon as normal. Typhus may choose to ignore any effects caused by enemy Nurgle Psychic powers or gifts that have him in their area of effect, in addition poison weapons count as normal weapons when used against him.
So he now has all the useful abilities he used to have and might actually survive long enough to use some of them now.
perfect, except for destroyer hive, its seems a bit OTT and unneeded as you get breath of chaos already and nurgles rot.
ReplyDeleteperhaps the option to give blight and fnp to termies for a few extra points (unless greater marks covers that) or a low powered shooting attack that can bounce through units? something like once per game 12" shooting attack causing d6 S2 no armour or cover saves. if a model dies another unit within 12" can be targeted until no more casualties are caused or unaffected units are within range
I wasn't sure about the Destroyer Hive ability anyway.
ReplyDeleteHow about a low powered shooting attack like the one you mentioned that effects everything within a certain distance of Typhus (12 0r 18") but without the 'bounce' effect?
yeah that could work, though with him being fairly cc orientated it could mean that he would turn into a bit of a bomb unit would have to be careful with how its done. i think 14" range ought to do it, he is pretty beefy already
ReplyDelete@Mark - your right that 14" is fluffier as well as being better balanced so I've changed it as you suggested.
ReplyDeleteChosen will be next I think.
was also going crazy and breaking the standard 6", 12", 18", 24" etc nothing says we need to go up in 6's