Apparently today should be the day that my FLGS is going to demonstrate the wonders of 8th Ed. Warhammer Fantasy. So I carefully arrange to take my girlfriend who is a fan of said game to our local Games Workshop on that day as she gets little opportunity to play normally.
Due to Games Workshops inspired 'We only need one person to run the store because that costs us less money' policy, my FLGS spends more time shut than fucking open these days so I carefully checked the opening times for the coming week. Thursday 17th June 12-8 is apparently the only weekday It's open but that's fine because that's today, right?
She gets her army together, I sort out all the domestic crap and then off we go in two separate vehicles so I can pick up my daughter from school later so as to not interrupt the rare chance my partner has to actually get involved in her part of the hobby. I have also carefully arranged both our schedules so there are no interruptions.
We arrive at 12:00....
And at 1:00 we both get back in our respective vehicles and head back home after waiting for a fucking hour for someone to turn up.
Perhaps I should have checked in advance? Of course the problem with that was Thursday was the first time the shop was open since Sunday when the information was relayed to me.
Apparently the local independent stockist for Warmachine is open 7 days a week which I presume makes buying stuff, looking at stuff and talking to people a lot Fucking easier....
Games Workshop manages to fail at the 'Customer Service' aspect of their business yet again but succeeds spectacularly at the fucking up my day part of their business plan...
unfortunatly the only local independant stockist of warmachine provides no gaming room and are socially challenged making you feel awkward very time you enter the shop, on of the reasons i haven't pursued it further
ReplyDeleteAll glory to Khador!
still sucks they were shut tho
have to try to organise to play her dark elves with my trees at some point
It's just that it seemed like a great opportunity for Carron to have a go and it fell nicely with regards to the time she was free. Not sure what the issue was as the sign clearly stated that today it was open and the other sign clearly stated that they would be demoing 8th ed today.
ReplyDeleteAlso a guy who was waiting outside because he wanted to buy some Ork stuff who gave up at the same time as us stated his intent to buy some non GW stuff instead as he was a painter and converter rather than a gamer so he didn't specifically need GW stuff.
All in all GW managed to ruin a day that we were both looking forward to for days and lose themselves £100+ worth of business as well.
Just buy online, play in clubs and you never have to go into a GW again until they reverse there stuipid policy.
ReplyDeleteAlthough in Bens defence he posted on facebook that it would open later in advance, not helpfull to all but better than no attempt at all.
It's not on, open one day in the week... and then on top of that it doesn't open what a pile of ass. Every time I try and make time to go down they seem to be shut!
ReplyDelete@Leon - Ben isn't the problem (at least he tried to inform people), GW saving pennies at the expense of customer service is the problem. One person can not run a store of Sutton's size for any prolonged period of time.
ReplyDelete@Adam - Not opening till 12 (if your lucky) on the days it actually is open doesn't help matters.
I was hoping to organise that 2000 point tournament I blogged about soon but It's no use starting it till I can be sure the shop will be open often enough for people to actually play their allocated games.
I've spoken to Carron and she's happy for me to have people over for games a bit more regularly so I'll start sending out the invites a bit more often if people are interested.
Ben has said that this week was the last week his opening hours are skewed because of stupid meetings at head office so for the rest of summer they should be paying attention to what it says on the door.
ReplyDeletei'm also sure Ben will be the first to agree with the stupid policies currently in operation