Friday, 13 July 2018

Modiphius Entertainment - Newsletter

New Space: 1889 RPG releases from Modiphius...
Hi there,

Today we're really pleased to announce the release of a new adventure in Clockwork Publishing's splendid steampunk RPG, Space 1889: The Fate of Angahiaa, which is now available on in print and PDF as part of our Space 1889 Collection.

Here's the details on this exciting new adventure:
A City Full of Intrigue
Mars and its city states are the most important concerns of Earth’s colonial politics. Liftwood is a critical, highly sought after resource, and not all nations have equal access to it. But the Martians are playing their own games and seek to use their contacts with the humans for their own plans.
The Canal Prince of the small Martian city-state of Angahiaa seeks to expand its power through a trade treaty with the German Empire. But other groups within the city do not want any human influences, while others seek power over the city themselves and will use the foreigners for their own schemes.
A Decadent Prince
The player characters forming the German delegation are drawn into the midst of the battles and intrigues for power in the city. They must manoeuvre between the decadent Canal Prince, his enemies in the nobility and guilds, as well as the priests, the slaves, and the Hill Martians of the surrounding valleys, to find friends and allies.
The player characters can greatly influence—the Fate of Angahiaa
A Diplomatic Mission
For a successful mission in the Martian City, social skills and a readiness to deal with the local situation are required. All in all, a wide variety of challenges await the player characters, ensuring that physical, inventive, or academic skills are all of great use.

The player characters should be willing to support Germany’s interests, or at least be neutral towards them. Even so, options are provided should that not be the case.

This adventure is written for the Ubiquity Version of the Space:1889 RPG.
We hope you enjoy this latest Space 1889 adventure which joins recent releases likeThe Ether Calculator and On the Trail of the Gods, and look out for more great Space 1889 releases including Nocturne in the City of Lights, which is due out at the end of this month!

Best wishes,

Modiphius Entertainment
About Modiphius Entertainment
Modiphius Entertainment is a London, England-based entertainment publisher of tabletop games and related hobby merchandise. The company launched its first game, the Achtung! Cthulhu Roleplaying Game, in 2013, followed by the Mutant Chronicles RPGDUST Adventures RPG based on Paolo Parente’s DUST universe, Infinity The Roleplaying Game based on the best-selling miniatures game, Conan, Adventures in Age Undreamed of, the official roleplaying game of Robert E Howard’s barbaric universe, Matt Leacock’s Thunderbirds, a cooperative board game based on the classic 60’s show and the official Kung Fu Panda Boardgame.

Modiphius Entertainment seeks to inspire with its tales of heroism, adventure and courage. Modiphius also works to combat global child trafficking through raising awareness of and funds for Vision Rescue. For more information, please visit
Contact Us +44 207 736 7020 (Mon-Fri 10am-6pm)
39 Harwood Road, London. SW6 4QP

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