Another Warhammer Community round-up courtesy of Games Workshop...
Getting Started Just Got Easier
| Warhammer 40,000: Conquest is a new monthly magazine that makes getting involved with Warhammer simple. Every month, we'll send you models, paints and more, plus tutorials to teach you how to build, paint and play with them. Begin your journey or recruit someone new and subscribe today: | |
Designing Your Titan Legion
Warhammer Community's Graeme has embarked upon an epic journey, founding a Titan Legion of his own for Adeptus Titanicus. Find out just how he did it (and get some top tips for homebrewing your own): |
Adeptus Titanicus: The History
Adeptus Titanicus is a game with a long and storied past – join us as we take a walk down memory lane, looking at some previous iterations of titanic warfare: |
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A Whole Week of Great Reads
| It's summer, a time for lying in the grass with a good book – or this week, seven awesome short stories. Every day, a new eBook tale will be released for you to enjoy – and if you want them all (and you do – they're great!), you can subscribe for the week and get all seven stories for the price of five. | |
Exclusive Models (and a Great Deal)
Tooth and Claw is a new battlebox that contains new Aberrants, the vile Abominant and the Primaris Battle Leader (plus two armies' worth of models, and a campaign book to boot) – get yours today: |
Genestealer Cults: New Units!
Learn more about the latest twisted monstrosities you'll be able to add to your Genestealer Cults armies in our in-depth preview, featuring new rules and a closer look at the models: |
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Unboxed: Battle of Pelennor Fields™
Get your best look yet inside the new Middle-earth™ boxed set with a detailed unboxing – plus a peek at the new dice and measurers (they're swords!): |
A Weekend of Kill Team
Join us at the Kill Team Weekender to meet the designers, compete in tournaments, get top painting and building tips and pick up some exclusives: |
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Get Inspired for Armies on Parade
| Still can't decide on what you'll make for your entry? Just fancy looking at some awesome models? Check out this incredible Everchosen collection from last year's contest: | |
Meet (and beat!) Warhammer Community
Headed to NOVA? We are – and we'll be joining in with some of the events! Find out where you'll be able to battle us for yourselves: |
In case you missed it...
Did you catch all the reveals at Warhammer Fest Europe? Make sure to check them out in our roundup: |
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Army Showcase: Tony's Legions of Nagash
| Did you know that the maker of Warscroll Builder, Tony, is a keen Warhammer Age of Sigmar player and painter? Join us for a closer look at his incredible collection: | |
Space Wolves Warlord Traits
| Those of you with acute senses might notice a mistake in your Space Wolves codex – worry not, we've tracked down the offending page and have a free replacement for you to download: | |
| Join the online community | |
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© Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (s18)
© 2018 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. |
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