Thursday, 16 August 2018

Modiphius Entertainment - Newsletter

Something new for the steampunk RPG Space 1889...

Today we're really pleased to announce the release of Space 1889: City at the Center of the Earth, a brand new adventure for Clockwork Publishing's splendid Steampunk influenced RPG.

City at the Center of the Earth is available in print and PDF formats as part of theSpace 1889 Collection on
Since inventors Edison and Armstrong set out on their first journey to Mars in 1870, mankind has been enthused by the worlds lying beyond the Ether, and nations and enterprises, inventors and explorers have ventured into the depths of space.

German inventor Elke Eggers, however, has no interest in going up. Driven by her memories of the fantastic tales her grandfather Ansgar used to tell her about underground civilizations, she has dedicated her life to seeking ways to voyage underground and find the mysterious City at the Center of the Earth. 
This adventure is set on Earth and—in particular—inside it. On an adventurous journey à la Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth and in particular Edgar Rice Burrough’s Pellucidar novels, the characters join Elke Eggers in her giant Mole Drill, digging its way towards the Earth’s core.
But sabotage and unknown threats make the voyage challenging and dangerous. Will they reach the mysterious city Elke Egger is convinced exists down there? And if so, which mysteries and secrets await the adventurers there?
What creatures live in the gigantic caverns deep down in the center of the Earth? And, where do the inhabitants—and possibly even builders—of this ‘World beneath the World’ come from? 

The adventurers can be of any nationality, even if the starting point of the journey is set in the German Empire. The events in this adventure challenge various character archetypes with tasks matching their expertise: Academics, Scientists, and Explorers are best suited for this endeavour, of course, but Engineers, Mechanics, or Soldiers will be useful as well.
We hope you enjoy this latest Space 1889 adventure, it joins a raft of recent supplements for the fantastic game including Nocturne in the City of LightsThe Fate of Angahiaa, and On the Trail of the Gods in what's been a vintage summer for the Space 1889 RPG.

Look out for more great titles coming soon, which include Savage Worlds conversions of some of the biggest titles.

Best wishes,

Modiphius Entertainment 
About Modiphius Entertainment
Modiphius Entertainment is a London, England-based entertainment publisher of tabletop games and related hobby merchandise. The company launched its first game, the Achtung! Cthulhu Roleplaying Game, in 2013, followed by the Mutant Chronicles RPGDUST Adventures RPG based on Paolo Parente’s DUST universe, Infinity The Roleplaying Game based on the best-selling miniatures game, Conan, Adventures in Age Undreamed of, the official roleplaying game of Robert E Howard’s barbaric universe, Matt Leacock’s Thunderbirds, a cooperative board game based on the classic 60’s show and the official Kung Fu Panda Boardgame.

Modiphius Entertainment seeks to inspire with its tales of heroism, adventure and courage. Modiphius also works to combat global child trafficking through raising awareness of and funds for Vision Rescue. For more information, please visit

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